List of Abbreviations
FHAC The First Historical Archives of China
ZPZZ Zhupi Zouzhe (Palace Midrange Rescript Memorials)
TB Tiben (Reports to the Emperor)
LFZZ Lufu Zouzhe (Extra Copies of Grand Council Memorials)
Chaodang Copies of the Archives, which are stored in the library of the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These include:
Guanshui Baogao Biao Qingdai Guanshui Shouzhi Baogao Biao (Revenue and Expenditure Reports of Customs in the Qing Dynasty) and
Tiben Guanshui: Customs Duties Reports to the Emperor
SYD Shangyu Dang (Edict Records)
GXCZP Guangxu Chao Zhupi Zouzhe (Palace Midrange Rescript Memorials of the Guangxu Reign)
GZDQLC Gongzhongdang Qianlong Chao Zouzhe (Palace Midrange Rescript Memorials of the Qianlong Reign)
GZDGXC Gongzhongdang Guangxu Chao Zouzhe (Palace Midrange Rescript Memorials of the Guangxu Reign)
SQYJ Shi Qu Yu Ji, written by Wang Qingyun
YZCHW Yongzheng Chao Hanwen Zhupi Zouzhe Huibian (Collection of the Palace Midrange Rescript Memorials in Han Language of the Yongzheng Reign)
LMGS List of Money and Grains Sent to and from the Provinces in the Seventeenth Year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty