



AGP Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie

AJP American Journal of Philosophy

Ap Apeiron

AP Ancient Philosophy

APQ American Philosophical Quarterly

BACAP Proc.Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Phil.

CJP Canadian Journal of Philosophy

CQ Classical Quarterly

CR Classical Review

DK Diels [1952]

HPQ History of Philosophy Quarterly

JHP Journal of the History of Philosophy

JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies

JP Journal of Philosophy

OSAP Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy

PAS Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society

PASS Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume

PBA Proceedings of the British Academy

Phil Philosophy

Phr Phronesis

PQ Philosophical Quarterly

PR Philosophical Review

PT Philosophical Topics

RIP Revue Internationale de Philosophie

RM Review of Metaphysics

RP Revue Philosophique

SVF Von Arnim [1905]

YCS Yale Classical Studies