高等教育评论(2014年第1卷 总第2卷)

Four Basic Dilemmas in University Governance Reform

Ingvild M. Larsen, Peter Maassen and Bjorn Stensaker Oslo University College, University of Oslo and NIFU STEP, Norway

Abstract: Since the mid 1980s, modernizing university governance has been a constant item on the political agenda of most countries, often followed by reforms attempting to change how universities are managed and led. However, when considering the effects of the many initiatives taken, a rather complex picture appears with respect to the scope and depths of the changes occurring. This article identifies four basic dilemmas, and shows how they are manifested in a number of countries where such reforms have been implemented. In the conclusion, it is argued how the four dilemmas can shed more light on the complexities associated with university governance reform.

Keywords: University Governance; University Reforms; Reform Dilemmas;Centralization and Decentralization

(责任编辑 郭华桥)