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Chapter 1. UE4 Development Tools
Installing Visual Studio
Creating and building your first C++ project in Visual Studio
Changing the code font and color in Visual Studio
Extension – changing the color theme in Visual Studio
Formatting your code (Autocomplete settings) in Visual Studio
Shortcut keys in Visual Studio
Extended mouse usage in Visual Studio
UE4 – installation
UE4 – first project
UE4 – creating your first level
UE4 – logging with UE_LOG
UE4 – making an FString from FStrings and other variables
Project management on GitHub – getting your Source Control
Project management on GitHub – using the Issue Tracker
Project management on VisualStudio.com – managing the tasks in your project
Project management on VisualStudio.com – constructing user stories and tasks
Chapter 2. Creating Classes
Making a UCLASS – deriving from UObject
Creating a user-editable UPROPERTY
Accessing a UPROPERTY from Blueprints
Specifying a UCLASS as the type of a UPROPERTY
Creating a Blueprint from your custom UCLASS
Instantiating UObject-derived classes (ConstructObject < > and NewObject < >)
Destroying UObject-derived classes
Creating a USTRUCT
Creating a UENUM( )
Creating a UFUNCTION
Chapter 3. Memory Management and Smart Pointers
Unmanaged memory – using malloc( )/free( )
Unmanaged memory – using new/delete
Managed memory – using NewObject< > and ConstructObject< >
Managed memory – deallocating memory
Managed memory – smart pointers (TSharedPtr TWeakPtr TAutoPtr) to track an object
Using TScopedPointer to track an object
Unreal's garbage collection system and UPROPERTY( )
Forcing garbage collection
Breakpoints and stepping through code
Finding bugs and using call stacks
Using the Profiler to identify hot spots
Chapter 4. Actors and Components
Creating a custom Actor in C++
Instantiating an Actor using SpawnActor
Destroying an Actor using Destroy and a Timer
Destroying an Actor after a delay using SetLifeSpan
Implementing the Actor functionality by composition
Loading assets into components using FObjectFinder
Implementing the Actor functionality by inheritance
Attaching components to create a hierarchy
Creating a custom Actor Component
Creating a custom Scene Component
Creating a custom Primitive Component
Creating an InventoryComponent for an RPG
Creating an OrbitingMovement Component
Creating a building that spawns units
Chapter 5. Handling Events and Delegates
Handling events implemented via virtual functions
Creating a delegate that is bound to a UFUNCTION
Unregistering a delegate
Creating a delegate that takes input parameters
Passing payload data with a delegate binding
Creating a multicast delegate
Creating a custom Event
Creating a Time of Day handler
Creating a respawning pickup for an First Person Shooter
Chapter 6. Input and Collision
Axis Mappings – keyboard mouse and gamepad directional input for an FPS character
Axis Mappings – normalized input
Action Mappings – one button responses for an FPS character
Adding Axis and Action Mappings from C++
Mouse UI input handling
UMG keyboard UI shortcut keys
Collision – letting objects pass through one another using Ignore
Collision – picking up objects using Overlap
Collision – preventing interpenetration using Block
Chapter 7. Communication between Classes and Interfaces
Creating a UInterface
Implementing a UInterface on an object
Checking if a class implements a UInterface