第219章 早已成年,却仍在向父母要钱
Well Into Adulthood and Still Getting Money From Their Parents
By Julia Carpenter
Parents have always supported their children into adulthood, from funding weddings to buying a home. Now the financial umbilical cord extends much later into adulthood.
About 59% of parents said they helped their young adult children financially in the past year, according to a report released Thursday by the Pew Research Center that focused on adults under age 35.
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)周四发布的一项针对35岁以下成年人的报告显示,约有59%的父母表示,他们曾在过去一年中在经济上帮助过自己较为年轻的成年子女。
Parental support is continuing later in life because younger people now take longer to reach many adult milestones—and getting there is more expensive than it has been for past generations, economists and researchers said. There is also a larger wealth gap between older Americans and younger ones, giving some parents more means and reason to help. In short, adulthood no longer means moving off the parental payroll.
This longer-term help might be a drag on social mobility, as it becomes even harder for young people from lower-income families to catch up, researchers said.
Down-payment help from parents—a given for many first-time home buyers—is growing thanks to higher home prices and elevated mortgage rates.
Timothy Burke, chief executive at National Family Mortgage, which facilitates such loans, said parents are often frustrated on behalf of their house-hunting children. High interest rates and the cutthroat housing market are holding their children back from reaching a milestone the parents themselves were more easily able to access.
蒂莫西·伯克(Timothy Burke)是全国家庭抵押贷款公司的首席执行官,这家公司为买房贷款提供便利。他表示:父母常为他们正在找房子的子女感到沮丧。高利率和残酷的房地产市场,阻碍了子女达到父母一辈曾经更容易达到的那些人生里程碑。