第202章 “Rizz”被牛津大学出版社评为2023年度词汇
Rizz named word of the year 2023 by Oxford University Press
By Noor Nanji
Are you good at chatting up or flirting with potential partners? If so, you may already have rizz.
The Oxford word of the year is mostly used by young people. It was one of eight words on a shortlist, all chosen to reflect the mood, ethos or preoccupations of 2023. Other contenders ranged from Swiftie to beige flag to situationship.
这一牛津年度词汇主要是年轻人在用。和“rizz”一起入围的总共有八个词,所有这些被挑选入围的词都被反映了2023年的社会情绪、风气或热点。其他入围的词汇包括:Swiftie(Taylor Swift的粉丝),beige flag(米色警示,形容伴侣个性无趣或古怪)和situationship(恋人未满的感情关系)。
According to Oxford University Press, which publishes the Oxford English Dictionary, it is defined as style, charm, or attractiveness, and the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner. It can also be used as a verb, in sayings such as “to rizz up“, which means to attract, seduce, or chat someone up.
根据牛津大学出版社出版的《牛津英语大词典》,“rizz”被定义为:风格、魅力或吸引力,以及吸引恋人或性伴侣的能力。它也可以作为动词使用,比如“to rizz up”,意思是吸引、引诱或搭讪某人。
Last year's Oxford word of the year was “goblin mode“, another slang term describing “unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy“ behaviour.
去年的牛津年度词汇是“goblin mode”(摆烂),这也是一个俚语,用来描述“毫不愧疚的自我放纵、懒惰、邋遢或贪婪”等行为。
Casper Grathwohl, president at Oxford Languages, said that while “goblin mode“ had resonated with many people after the pandemic,“it's interesting to see a contrasting word like rizz come to the forefront“.
牛津大学出版社语言中心负责人卡斯珀·格拉斯沃(Casper Grathwohl)表示,疫情爆发后,“goblin mode”(摆烂)引起了许多人的共鸣,而现在“看到像rizz(魅力)这样反差很大的词引起人们的关注,是很有意思的”。
He said the word possibly spoke to “a prevailing mood of 2023, where more of us are opening ourselves up after a challenging few years and finding confidence in who we are“.