Advertising public opinion refers to the public consistent expression of beliefs,attitudes,opinions and emotions about social reality and social phenomenon caused by the advertising community.The public opinion triggered by advertising communication can be named after advertising public opinion.Advertising public opinion in real life is presented in various forms,including oriented views,cognitive views and comments from adverting public opinion communicators.
Advertising public opinion is a major category of public opinion,which follows the general laws of public opinion communication.The basic principles and methods of public opinion have important theoreti cal and practi cal effects on advertising public opinion research.On the other hand,advertising public opinion is a special phenomenon of public opinion communication.For its potential dissemination targets,the formation,development,dissemination and the role of advertising public opinion have close relationship with the purpose,channels and creative expression of advertisements.Since ancient times,advertising public opinion with diversified expressions has played an important role in different eras both in Chinese and abroad.From the nature of public opinion,there are politi cal,commercial and public service advertising public opinions in general.From the subjects of advertising public opinion,there are group,public,mass advertising public opinions.From the structure of advertising public opinion,there exist hidden advertising opinion,dominant advertising opinion and behavior advertising opinion,ect.At the same time,with the rising of China,a totally new form of advertising public opinion—the na tional advertising public opinion— has enriched structures of current advertising public opinion.Therefore,advertising opinion communication has the characters of complex subjective components,rich objective contents,ect.
With the influence of unique operating mechanism,advertising public opinion presents a unique look that covers the social background of its operation,the approaches of carry it out,its operating mode as well.The transform of integrated marketing communication and advertising production pattern,the revolution of green advertising communication and advertising concept,new advertising campaigns and the pursuit of the ultimate goal of advertising,and social media marketing and advertising function expansion have all optimized the social environment of advertising public opinion.Furthermore,advertising public opinion has realized multiple flows of advertising information by following the national media,making the most of community media,as well as focusing on public opinion.Meanwhile,advertising public opinion can be accomplished by way of advertisers' advocacy,creative advertising campaign,media commentary and two communications,and concentrated expression of public opinion.The formation of advertising public opinion has three behavior patterns—naturally occurring mode,sudden variation mode and manipulation mode.
Advertising public opinion communication mechanism is the general idea of its communication level,communication structure,communication rules and communication characteristics.The dependence and use of media platforms of different characteristics in different periods make advertising public opinion present different levels.However,different elements of advertising public opinion communication,such as“agenda setting”,“environment mimicry”,“Spiral of Silence”and the structural pressure caused by their interaction promote advertising public opinion to flow in accordance with specific direction and certain track.In short,advertising public opinion communication rules and characteristics are the results of the public opinion stipulation and advertising communication specificity.
Advertising communication is a subjective behavior,whose primary pur pose is to arouse the audience's reaction to their released information.But advertising public opinion is beyond the scope of the subjective action,which consequentially has social significance.With the development of media convergence and new media emergence,the social influence generated by advertising public opinion has broken through the micro economic level and spread to the macro-cultural and politi cal dimensions,and increasingly demonstrated a remarkable role and effectiveness.
Advertising public opinion in consumer society has a huge influence.From the object of advertising public opinion,the influence of advertising public opinion is involved in advertising,advertising manager,advertising critics and its audience.The control and guidance of advertising public opinion has been an important subject,especially in the context of integration of new media when its presentation and flow patterns are constantly changing.Various presence of advertising popular slogans,popularity of network marketing,massive communication,ect.all indicate that the development of advertising public opinion is a constantly changing process.From a macro perspective,the development and changes of advertising public opinion coincide with the developing trends of human society,human civilization and advertising campaigns.From a micro perspective,advertising public opinion communication has diverged from its objects in the field of advertising issues and unexpected advertising events,ect.
The development trend of modern advertising public opinion will lead to its increasing theme expressions,its continuously expanding contexts,ect.In such circumstances,the guidance and control of advertising public opinion is significantly important.Supervision and control of advertising public opinion can be conducted based on the following levels: first,supervising and controlling the source of advertising public opinion;then,establishing the advertising response mechanism in responding to the flow and trends of advertising public opinion; meanwhile,the implementation of related Laws and regulations guarantees efficient guidance of advertising public opinion; at last,surveying and analyzing on opinion polls will effectively predict the potential trends of adver tising public opinion.The ultimate goal of guiding and controlling advertising public opinion is to optimize the function of advertising communication and effectively measure the advertising communication effects.
Keywords:Advertising Public Opinion,Public Opinion Expression,Communication Control,Social Impact