关键词:网络流行语 “油腻” 消费 修辞化
The Product of “Greasy”:The Social Significance of Rhetoric Network Buzzwords
Li Sha
Abstract The prevalence of the spread and use of any type of online buzzwords is an external language outbreak that has long been accumulating due to social emotions and values.Therefore,network words have become an important interactive way of social communication.In recent years,rhetoric network buzzwords reflect intuitively the aesthetic and emotional externalization tendency of people in the process of communication.Through the rhetorical discourse analysis of the typical Internet buzzword “greasy”,its meaning generation process reappears the meaning negotiation and discourse power struggle between groups and generations with the help of network buzzwords,and reflects the double bound of consumer culture and popular culture to people's spiritual world,which must be re-examined from the perspective of media culture.
Keywords Network Buzzwords;“Greasy”;Consumption;Rhetoric