Hadoop Beginner's Guide

Walking through a run of WordCount

To explore the relationship between mapper and reducer in more detail, and to expose some of Hadoop's inner working, we'll now go through just how WordCount (or indeed any MapReduce job) is executed.


The call to Job.waitForCompletion() in the driver is where all the action starts. The driver is the only piece of code that runs on our local machine, and this call starts the communication with the JobTracker. Remember that the JobTracker is responsible for all aspects of job scheduling and execution, so it becomes our primary interface when performing any task related to job management. The JobTracker communicates with the NameNode on our behalf and manages all interactions relating to the data stored on HDFS.

Splitting the input

The first of these interactions happens when the JobTracker looks at the input data and determines how to assign it to map tasks. Recall that HDFS files are usually split into blocks of at least 64 MB and the JobTracker will assign each block to one map task.

Our WordCount example, of course, used a trivial amount of data that was well within a single block. Picture a much larger input file measured in terabytes, and the split model makes more sense. Each segment of the file—or split, in MapReduce terminology—is processed uniquely by one map task.

Once it has computed the splits, the JobTracker places them and the JAR file containing the Mapper and Reducer classes into a job-specific directory on HDFS, whose path will be passed to each task as it starts.

Task assignment

Once the JobTracker has determined how many map tasks will be needed, it looks at the number of hosts in the cluster, how many TaskTrackers are working, and how many map tasks each can concurrently execute (a user-definable configuration variable). The JobTracker also looks to see where the various input data blocks are located across the cluster and attempts to define an execution plan that maximizes the cases when a TaskTracker processes a split/block located on the same physical host, or, failing that, it processes at least one in the same hardware rack.

This data locality optimization is a huge reason behind Hadoop's ability to efficiently process such large datasets. Recall also that, by default, each block is replicated across three different hosts, so the likelihood of producing a task/host plan that sees most blocks processed locally is higher than it may seem at first.

Task startup

Each TaskTracker then starts up a separate Java virtual machine to execute the tasks. This does add a startup time penalty, but it isolates the TaskTracker from problems caused by misbehaving map or reduce tasks, and it can be configured to be shared between subsequently executed tasks.

If the cluster has enough capacity to execute all the map tasks at once, they will all be started and given a reference to the split they are to process and the job JAR file. Each TaskTracker then copies the split to the local filesystem.

If there are more tasks than the cluster capacity, the JobTracker will keep a queue of pending tasks and assign them to nodes as they complete their initially assigned map tasks.

We are now ready to see the executed data of map tasks. If this all sounds like a lot of work, it is; and it explains why when running any MapReduce job, there is always a non-trivial amount of time taken as the system gets started and performs all these steps.

Ongoing JobTracker monitoring

The JobTracker doesn't just stop work now and wait for the TaskTrackers to execute all the mappers and reducers. It is constantly exchanging heartbeat and status messages with the TaskTrackers, looking for evidence of progress or problems. It also collects metrics from the tasks throughout the job execution, some provided by Hadoop and others specified by the developer of the map and reduce tasks, though we don't use any in this example.

Mapper input

In Chapter 2, Getting Hadoop Up and Running, our WordCount input was a simple one-line text file. For the rest of this walkthrough, let's assume it was a not-much-less trivial two-line text file:

This is a test
Yes this is

The driver class specifies the format and structure of the input file by using TextInputFormat, and from this Hadoop knows to treat this as text with the line number as the key and line contents as the value. The two invocations of the mapper will therefore be given the following input:

1 This is a test
2 Yes it is.

Mapper execution

The key/value pairs received by the mapper are the offset in the file of the line and the line contents respectively because of how the job is configured. Our implementation of the map method in WordCountMapper discards the key as we do not care where each line occurred in the file and splits the provided value into words using the split method on the standard Java String class. Note that better tokenization could be provided by use of regular expressions or the StringTokenizer class, but for our purposes this simple approach will suffice.

For each individual word, the mapper then emits a key comprised of the actual word itself, and a value of 1.


We add a few optimizations that we'll mention here, but don't worry too much about them at this point. You will see that we don't create the IntWritable object containing the value 1 each time, instead we create it as a static variable and re-use it in each invocation. Similarly, we use a single Text object and reset its contents for each execution of the method. The reason for this is that though it doesn't help much for our tiny input file, the processing of a huge data set would see the mapper potentially called thousands or millions of times. If each invocation potentially created a new object for both the key and value output, this would become a resource issue and likely cause much more frequent pauses due to garbage collection. We use this single value and know the Context.write method will not alter it.

Mapper output and reduce input

The output of the mapper is a series of pairs of the form (word, 1); in our example these will be:

(This,1), (is, 1), (a, 1), (test., 1), (Yes, 1), (it, 1), (is, 1)

These output pairs from the mapper are not passed directly to the reducer. Between mapping and reducing is the shuffle stage where much of the magic of MapReduce occurs.


One of the implicit guarantees of the Reduce interface is that a single reducer will be given all the values associated with a given key. With multiple reduce tasks running across a cluster, each mapper output must therefore be partitioned into the separate outputs destined for each reducer. These partitioned files are stored on the local node filesystem.

The number of reduce tasks across the cluster is not as dynamic as that of mappers, and indeed we can specify the value as part of our job submission. Each TaskTracker therefore knows how many reducers are in the cluster and from this how many partitions the mapper output should be split into.


We'll address failure tolerance in a later chapter, but at this point an obvious question is what happens to this calculation if a reducer fails. The answer is that the JobTracker will ensure that any failed reduce tasks are reexecuted, potentially on a different node so a transient failure will not be an issue. A more serious issue, such as that caused by a data-sensitive bug or very corrupt data in a split will, unless certain steps are taken, cause the whole job to fail.

The optional partition function

Within the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce package is the Partitioner class, an abstract class with the following signature:

public abstract class Partitioner<Key, Value>
public abstract int getPartition( Key key, Value value, 
int numPartitions) ;

By default, Hadoop will use a strategy that hashes the output key to perform the partitioning. This functionality is provided by the HashPartitioner class within the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.partition package, but it is necessary in some cases to provide a custom subclass of Partitioner with application-specific partitioning logic. This would be particularly true if, for example, the data provided a very uneven distribution when the standard hash function was applied.

Reducer input

The reducer TaskTracker receives updates from the JobTracker that tell it which nodes in the cluster hold map output partitions which need to be processed by its local reduce task. It then retrieves these from the various nodes and merges them into a single file that will be fed to the reduce task.

Reducer execution

Our WordCountReducer class is very simple; for each word it simply counts the number of elements in the array and emits the final (Word, count) output for each word.


We don't worry about any sort of optimization to avoid excess object creation here. The number of reduce invocations is typically smaller than the number of mappers, and consequently the overhead is less of a concern. However, feel free to do so if you find yourself with very tight performance requirements.

For our invocation of WordCount on our sample input, all but one word have only one value in the list of values; is has two.


Note that the word this and This had discrete counts because we did not attempt to ignore case sensitivity. Similarly, ending each sentence with a period would have stopped is having a count of two as is would be different from is.. Always be careful when working with textual data such as capitalization, punctuation, hyphenation, pagination, and other aspects, as they can skew how the data is perceived. In such cases, it's common to have a precursor MapReduce job that applies a normalization or clean-up strategy to the data set.

Reducer output

The final set of reducer output for our example is therefore:

(This, 1), (is, 2), (a, 1), (test, 1), (Yes, 1), (this, 1)

This data will be output to partition files within the output directory specified in the driver that will be formatted using the specified OutputFormat implementation. Each reduce task writes to a single file with the filename part-r-nnnnn, where nnnnn starts at 00000 and is incremented. This is, of course, what we saw in Chapter 2, Getting Hadoop Up and Running; hopefully the part prefix now makes a little more sense.


Once all tasks have completed successfully, the JobTracker outputs the final state of the job to the client, along with the final aggregates of some of the more important counters that it has been aggregating along the way. The full job and task history is available in the log directory on each node or, more accessibly, via the JobTracker web UI; point your browser to port 50030 on the JobTracker node.

That's all there is to it!

As you've seen, each MapReduce program sits atop a significant amount of machinery provided by Hadoop and the sketch provided is in many ways a simplification. As before, much of this isn't hugely valuable for such a small example, but never forget that we can use the same software and mapper/reducer implementations to do a WordCount on a much larger data set across a huge cluster, be it local or on EMR. The work that Hadoop does for you at that point is enormous and is what makes it possible to perform data analysis on such datasets; otherwise, the effort to manually implement the distribution, synchronization, and parallelization of code will be immense.

Apart from the combiner…maybe

There is one additional, and optional, step that we omitted previously. Hadoop allows the use of a combiner class to perform some early sorting of the output from the map method before it is retrieved by the reducer.

Why have a combiner?

Much of Hadoop's design is predicated on reducing the expensive parts of a job that usually equate to disk and network I/O. The output of the mapper is often large; it's not infrequent to see it many times the size of the original input. Hadoop does allow configuration options to help reduce the impact of the reducers transferring such large chunks of data across the network. The combiner takes a different approach, where it is possible to perform early aggregation to require less data to be transferred in the first place.

The combiner does not have its own interface; a combiner must have the same signature as the reducer and hence also subclasses the Reduce class from the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce package. The effect of this is to basically perform a mini-reduce on the mapper for the output destined for each reducer.

Hadoop does not guarantee whether the combiner will be executed. At times, it may not be executed at all, while at times it may be used once, twice, or more times depending on the size and number of output files generated by the mapper for each reducer.