I would like to thank the entire team from Packt Publishing, Ashvini, Martin, Shiksha, and Arun, thanks for trusting me. I thank all the technical reviewers and proofreaders for providing me with valuable feedback from which I have learned a lot. Thanks to Mario Pérez and Camilo Gonzáles from National University of Colombia for introducing me as a professional to the world of software development. Thanks to Colombitrade and all Enterprise App for Vaadin users for their support and confidence. A special thanks to the Vaadin team and community for providing such a terrific framework and knowledge base with tons of articles and useful resources. Hope this book reciprocally contributes back to the community.
I can't thank my parents enough for being so helpful and supportive. I would never have written this book without their constant support and exemplary way of teaching. There's no better teacher than a good parent. A special thanks to my brothers, Juan and Edgar, and my cousins, Marcelo, Camilo, and Jonathan, with whom I took my first steps in programming and created a fictional software development company when we were children, DPA Software. Thanks to my sister for her amusing company while writing this book. Last but not least, thank you Viviana for your encouragement when reaching deadlines and for all those beautiful moments you have gave me.