About the Reviewers
Antonio Bello is a veteran software developer, who started writing code when memory was measured in bytes instead of gigabytes and storage was an optional add-on. Over his professional career, he has worked with several languages and technologies, in many cases, following a "learning by using" approach.
Today, he loves developing iOS Apps and their respective backends, favoring Swift over Objective C but loving both languages.
Vladimir Pouzanov is a systems engineer and an embedded enthusiast. He has spent countless hours hacking different mobile hardware, porting Linux to various devices on which it was not supposed to be run, and toying outside the iOS sandbox. He has been a professional iOS consultant and has been developing applications based on iOS since the first Apple iPhones were available. Later on, he switched his professional interest to systems engineering and cloud computing, but he still keeps a close eye on the mobile and embedded world.
I'd like to thank my wife for her amazing support while I was working on the review, sharing my attention between her, our daughter, and the book.
Kevin Smith is a founder and mobile developer. He released his first iPhone App in 2009. After the success of his first few apps, he founded App Press to help others build mobile apps. Through App Press, he has worked on and released countless award-winning iOS and Android apps.
Anil Varghese is a software engineer from Kerala, India, with extensive experience in iOS application development. He constantly strives to learn new technologies and better and faster ways of solving problems. He always finds time to help his fellow programmers and is an active member of developer communities, such as Stack Overflow.
You can reach him at <anilvarghese@icloud.com>
and http://anilvarghese.strikingly.com.