Chapter 1. Create a User Profile System and use the Null Coalesce Operator
To begin this chapter, let's check out the new null coalesce in PHP 7. We'll also learn how to build a simple profiles page with listed users that you can click on, and create a simple CRUD-like system which will enable us to register new users to the system and delete users for banning purposes.
We'll learn to use the PHP 7 null coalesce operator so that we can show data if there is any, or just display a simple message if there isn't any.
Let's create a simple UserProfile
class. The ability to create classes has been available since PHP 5.
A class in PHP starts with the word class
, and the name of the class:
class UserProfile { private $table = 'user_profiles'; } }
We've made the table private and added a private
variable, where we define which table it will be related to.
Let's add two functions, also known as a method, inside the class to simply fetch the data from the database:
function fetch_one($id) { $link = mysqli_connect(''); $query = "SELECT * from ". $this->table . " WHERE `id` =' " . $id "'"; $results = mysqli_query($link, $query); } function fetch_all() { $link = mysqli_connect('', 'root','apassword','my_dataabase' ); $query = "SELECT * from ". $this->table . "; $results = mysqli_query($link, $query); }