Computer networks are increasing at an exponential rate and the most challenging factor organizations are currently facing is network security. Breaching a network is not considered an ingenious effort anymore, so it is very important to gain expertise in securing your network.
This book is aimed at people who already have a good understanding of basic networking and computers that want to build a stronger, but also practical knowledge into cyber security. You will learn about some common and advance tools that security professionals use to conduct their vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, and cyber threat hunting. We will cover a perse range of network and cyber security attacks that everyone should be aware of; you will be guided step by step on how these attacks are performed and what are the mitigations and defenses for it. Our goal is to build your knowledge and skills to a good fundamental point so that you can not only become more proficient to securing yourself or your business but also if you develop a passion or interest in pursuing a career in cyber security.