Python Social Media Analytics


This book is a result of our experience with data science and working with huge amounts of unstructured data from the web. Our intention was to provide a practical book on social media analytics with strong storytelling. In the whole process of analytics, the scripting of a story around the results is as important as the technicalities involved. It's been a long journey, chapter to chapter, and it would not have been possible without our support team that has helped us all through. We would like to deeply thank our mentors, Air commodore TK Chatterjee (retired) and Mr. Wojciech Krystyanczuk, who have motivated and helped us with their feedback, edits, and reviews throughout the journey.

We would also like to thank our co-author, Mr. Arjun Chatterjee, for sharing his brilliant technical knowledge and writing the chapter on Social Media Analytics at Scale. Above all, we would also like to thank the Packt editorial team for their encouragement and patience with us. We sincerely hope that the readers will find this book useful in their efforts to explore social media for creative purposes.