About the Reviewer
Olivier Pons is a project manager, highly-skilled developer, and teacher, who's been building websites for many years. He's a teacher in France at the IUT (University of Sciences) of Aix-en-Provence, CESI (Centre d'Études Supérieures en Informatique), ISEN (Institut Supérieur de l’Électronique et du Numérique), G4 Marseille, and École d’Ingénieurs des Mines de Gardanne, where he teaches state of the art web techniques such as Django/Python, NodeJS, big data/NoSQL, MVC fundamentals, PHP for experts, WordPress for experts, Symfony, jQuery, Apache, nginx and Apache advanced configuration, Linux basics, and advanced VIM techniques. He has already done some technical reviews, including the Packt books Learning Ext JS, Building Modern JavaScript Applications, jQuery Hotshots, jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials, and Meteor JS among others.
In 2011, he left a full-time job as a Delphi developer and PHP expert to concentrate on his own company, HQF Development. He currently runs a number of websites and his own web development blog. He's currently making a Unity mcq mobile application, which works together with a Django website. He sometimes helps CTOs of big companies in making the best choice for their web projects.