WordPress Complete(Sixth Edition)

Getting familiar with the new feature list since 4.1

Since the last edition of this book was published, quite a staggering number of new features have been added to the WordPress software. If you're new to WordPress, this list may not mean a whole lot to you, but if you're familiar with WordPress and have been using it for a long time, you'll find this list quite enlightening:

  • New default theme--Twenty Seventeen
  • New Press This feature--making it easier to take any content you've found on the web and share it onto your WordPress website
  • Easier theme installation and switching--all within the WordPress Customizer
  • Easier plugin update and install from the Plugins screen--done with just a couple of clicks
  • Support for native Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters, musical and mathematical symbols, hieroglyphs, and also a plethora of emojis (including all of the latest Unicode 9.0 emoji characters)
  • Improvements to the way that passwords are chosen and changed
  • Possibility to manage the site's favicon--both on desktop and mobile
  • Improved customizer panels and Sections and new Customizer Media Controls
  • Better display rules for matching images to different screen sizes and devices
  • Integrated REST API infrastructure and the addition of API endpoints for WordPress content
  • Extended custom header feature to introduce support for video headers
  • Added user admin languages and locale switching
  • Device previewer buttons added to the customizer to better visualize what the website looks like on desktop, tablet, and mobile
  • Added inline link editing--enables adding links without switching to modal dialog
  • Introduction of native device fonts for the WordPress admin panel
  • Improvements to internationalization
  • A lot of security improvements to protect your site from hacks and malicious scripts