Rust Programming By Example


I guess you did it without any issues, but in any case, here's the code:

    extern crate sdl2;

    use sdl2::event::Event;
    use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode;
    use sdl2::pixels::Color;
    use sdl2::rect::Rect;
    use sdl2::render::{Canvas, Texture, TextureCreator};
    use sdl2::video::{Window, WindowContext};

    use std::thread::sleep;
    use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};

    // To make things easier to read, we'll create a constant which
will be the texture's size.
const TEXTURE_SIZE: u32 = 32; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum TextureColor { Green, Blue, } fn create_texture_rect<'a>(canvas: &mut Canvas<Window>, texture_creator: &'a TextureCreator<WindowContext>, color: TextureColor, size: u32) -> Option<Texture<'a>> { // We'll want to handle failures outside of this function. if let Ok(mut square_texture) = texture_creator.create_texture_target(None, size, size) { canvas.with_texture_canvas(&mut square_texture, |texture| { match color { // For now, TextureColor only handles two colors. TextureColor::Green => texture.set_draw_color(Color::RGB(0,
255, 0)), TextureColor::Blue => texture.set_draw_color(Color::RGB(0,
0, 255)), } texture.clear(); }).expect("Failed to color a texture"); Some(square_texture) }
else { // An error occured so we return nothing and let the function
caller handle the error.
None } } fn main() { let sdl_context = sdl2::init().expect("SDL initialization
); let video_subsystem ="Couldn't get
SDL video subsystem"
); // Parameters are: title, width, height let window = video_subsystem.window("Tetris", 800, 600) .position_centered() // to put it in the middle of the screen .build() // to create the window .expect("Failed to create window"); let mut canvas = window.into_canvas() .target_texture() .present_vsync() // To enable v-sync. .build() .expect("Couldn't get window's canvas"); let texture_creator: TextureCreator<_> =
canvas.texture_creator(); // We create a texture with a 32x32 size. let green_square = create_texture_rect(&mut canvas, &texture_creator, TextureColor::Green, TEXTURE_SIZE).expect("Failed to create a texture"); let blue_square = create_texture_rect(&mut canvas, &texture_creator, TextureColor::Blue, TEXTURE_SIZE).expect("Failed to create a texture"); let timer = SystemTime::now(); // First we get the event handler: let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump().expect("Failed
to get SDL event pump"
); // Then we create an infinite loop to loop over events: 'running: loop { for event in event_pump.poll_iter() { match event { // If we receive a 'quit' event or if the user press the
'ESC' key, we quit.
Event::Quit { .. } | Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape), .. } => { break 'running // We "break" the infinite loop. }, _ => {} } } // We fill our window with red. canvas.set_draw_color(Color::RGB(255, 0, 0)); // We draw it. canvas.clear(); // The rectangle switch happens here: let display_green = match timer.elapsed() { Ok(elapsed) => elapsed.as_secs() % 2 == 0, Err(_) => { // In case of error, we do nothing... true } }; let square_texture = if display_green { &green_square } else { &blue_square }; // Copy our texture into the window. canvas.copy(square_texture, None, // We copy it at the top-left of the window with a 32x32
Rect::new(0, 0, TEXTURE_SIZE, TEXTURE_SIZE)) .expect("Couldn't copy texture into window"); // We update window's display. canvas.present(); // We sleep enough to get ~60 fps. If we don't call this,
the program will take
// 100% of a CPU time. sleep(Duration::new(0, 1_000_000_000u32 / 60)); } }

You can now see the small rectangle at the top-left switching color every second.