What this book covers
Chapter 1, Hello Qt, covers how to install and configure the Qt Framework and associated IDE, Qt Creator.
Chapter 2, Project Structure, showcases how to create a new multi-project solution that will be the foundation of our example application.
Chapter 3, User Interface, explores the user interface markup language QML and sketches out our UI's layout.
Chapter 4, Style, explains how to give our UI a modern look and feel with shared resources and reusable components.
Chapter 5, Data, discusses managing the most critical part of any LOB application—the data.
Chapter 6, Unit Testing, gets you started with integrating unit testing into our solution using Qt's testing framework—QtTest.
Chapter 7, Persistence, focuses on persisting our data to disk in a SQLite database.
Chapter 8, Web Requests, assists in using HTTP requests to pull data from a live RSS feed.
Chapter 9, Wrapping Up, dives into packaging and deploying our application.