Hands-On Full:Stack Development with Swift

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started with Server Swift, dives into the world of server-side Swift and shows you how to build and use Swift packages, and how to build a simple HTTP server using pure Swift.

Chapter 2, Creating the Native App, explains how to build a Shopping List app in pure Swift, using Xcode and Storyboard. At the end of this chapter, you will have a fully-functioning app that persists data offline on the iPhone in a secure way.

Chapter 3, Getting Started with Vapor, delves deep into Vapor features and packages and shows how to get started with using Vapor to start building rich web applications.

Chapter 4, Configuring Providers, Fluent, and Databases, provides a solid background on ORM for Swift and shows how to set up a database for a Vapor app using Fluent and Providers.

Chapter 5, Building REST API Using Vapor, explores how to build a RESTful API using Vapor for our Shopping List app and goes into detail about how to create RESTful routes and controllers.

Chapter 6, Consuming API in App, contains details on how to refactor our iOS app to consume the RESTful API we built in Chapter 5Building REST API using Vapor, and how to make network requests to our API when creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from our iOS app.

Chapter 7, Creating Web Views and Middleware, shows how to create HTML views in our Vapor app and demonstrates the use of Middleware to conditionally load HTML views for a browser and a render view as JSON for an API request from the iOS app.

Chapter 8Testing and CI, contains information on how to test a Vapor app and how to set up a Continuous Integration pipeline to automatically run tests before code is merged using Travis CI.

Chapter 9, Deploying the App, contains deployment options for a Vapor app and shows how to deploy a Vapor app to Heroku and set up an automated deployment pipeline when code is merged into the Git repo.

Chapter 10, Adding Authentication, demonstrates how to add authentication to a Vapor app so that users can log in or register and own the Shopping List that they create. This chapter also demonstrates how an iOS app is updated to support token-based authentication implemented in the Vapor app.

Chapter 11, Building a tvOS App, wraps up the book by demonstrating how easy it is to build for another platform with maximum code shareability between the iOS and tvOS apps and how a small team of Swift developers can build a multiplatform full-stack application using Swift.