The cons
There are always advantages and disadvantages on everything, and the grids don't escape that rule. The first disadvantage of grids for most people and especially those who are new to design is that they may feel the grid system can be a little restrictive and repetitive creatively. Totally understandable and unfortunately, it happens from time to time that you feel like it's difficult to think outside the box and it can feel like you are creating the same thing again and again. But keep in mind that the grid is not easy to take over and needs practice and experience to fully use it to its advantage.
The grids are here to help, but like all rules when designing, rules are made to be broken. You don't necessarily need to stick to the grid, but you do need to understand how it works before breaking the rules. Let's have a look at some good examples of the use of grid layout:

Awesome usage of the grids, elegant, and simple. You can clearly see the composition and the layout. You can check the website at (http://kinfold.com) You can see that the top part is not part of the grid, but yet it still flows perfectly with the design:

A good exercise will be to try to find the grid on a website. And see how it was designed.