Responsive structure
The enterprise needs to have a structure that supports autonomous, decentralized, and outcome-oriented teams, which will facilitate interoperability and information sharing among people. This structure should have a wider periphery, which facilitates closer interaction with the environment and therefore enables the company to be more responsive.
According to Niels Pflaeging, author of Organize for Complexity:
"It is the periphery that learns from the market easiest. That can best adapt to and respond to markets — quickly and intelligently. In complexity, the center loses its information monopoly, its competence advantage:
it can hardly issue any meaningful commands anymore. The coupling between periphery and center must consequently be designed in a way that enables the organization to absorb and process market dynamics. For that, the periphery must steer the center through market-like mechanisms and own the monetary resources". [xv]
This aspect is discussed at length in Chapter 6, Organization Structure.