Microservice prerequisites
Microservices aren't a panacea. While they have many benefits (which we'll discuss later), they also introduce some specific challenges. Before deciding to make the move to microservices, it's important to have certain infrastructure and tooling in place. Martin Fowler has written about Microservices Prerequisites (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MicroservicePrerequisites.html), as has Phil Calcado (http://philcalcado.com/2017/06/11/calcados_microservices_prerequisites.html). I won't repeat what others have written; instead, I will just say that it pays to have a certain amount of automation and monitoring in place before you start developing microservices. Your teams should be comfortable sharing on-call duties and you should have a system for managing alerts and escalations, such as PagerDuty (http://pagerduty.com/).