PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook

About the reviewers

Cathal Mullane has worked in the build, release and DevOps area for the past four years. After graduating from Limerick Institute of Technology with a first class honors degree in software development, he began to work with Hewlett Packard. In 2016, he joined Fleetmatics (now Verizon Connect) as a build engineer. His main duties were the building, packaging, and deployment of the platform components to all the environments. He was involved in introducing new continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines that were used to break up the existing monolith solution into small components that could be deployed at any time. This was achieved using PowerShell scripts along with tools from the Atlassian Stack and Octopus Deploy.

Jose Angel Muñoz is a systems engineer with more than 20 years of experience in Linux and Windows systems administration. He is currently working for RAET, where he has discovered the magic of automation and infrastructure as code. Jose Angel is also collaborating with the Ansible, creating new Python and PowerShell modules.

Jose Angel use to collaborate with the Linux Magazine, where he published several technical articles about different topics such as monitoring, security, virtualization, or development.

Mohit Goyal is a budding technical expert with 10 years of experience as an IT professional. He has worked on varied range of technologies, chiefly in infrastructure services and automation, from cloud-based to on-premises systems. He has a knack for maximizing the potential of product teams and automating software delivery processes. He currently works at Johnson Controls, Inc. as a Senior DevOps engineer. He has been involved in the DevOps and PowerShell community and also maintains a popular blog where he contributes posts related to his research and everyday technical realizations.

Vic Perdana has over 13 years of experience with broad knowledge and consulting skills in cloud technology, DevOps, and automation. He has lead teams and managed large-scale application and infrastructure deployment projects, specifically to do with hybrid-infrastructure migration. Vic's current focus is on the development, implementation, and architecture of Azure solutions, resolving a broad range of business and technical challenges faced by many customers.

Vic holds a Master of IT degree from the University of Melbourne and currently works as a Senior Consultant at Dimension Data.