PowerShell Core for Linux Administrators Cookbook

How it works…

Type accelerators are another form of encapsulation of .NET code in PowerShell. Recall the first recipe in this chapter, wherein we created a .NET object within PowerShell. We used the PowerShell command New-Object -TypeName System.IO.DirectoryInfo -ArgumentList '/home/ram' to get information on a home directory: we created a new instance of System.IO.DirectoryInfo and passed an argument to it. That was a lot of code to write. To accelerate this process, we could use [IO.DirectoryInfo]'/home/ram' (System is the default namespace; PowerShell will understand it without us explicitly mentioning it when calling accelerators), which outputs the same object as the former command.

With Import-Csv, on the other hand, the process is a simple conversion of data from text into name-value pairs. This is similar to using ConvertFrom-Text with a Delimiter parameter. This way, we instruct PowerShell to convert each row of text into instances of the object: the first row in the row-column structure is taken as the property name, and the rest of the rows are data. The cells are separated using a delimiter, which was a comma in the case of the CSV file.