Unity 2020 By Example

Test your knowledge

Q1. To manage Unity projects and installations, you can use…

A.Unity Editor

B. Unity Hub

C. Package Manager

D. Project Panel

Q2. Once you've added an asset using the Unity Asset Store, you can import it into your project using…

A. the Unity Asset Store itself

B. the project creation wizard

C. Unity Hub

D. Package Manager

Q3. Assets are imported directly into the…

A. Object Inspector

B. Hierarchy

C. scene

D. Project panel

Q4. You can quickly create first-person controls using…

A. camera objects

B. capsules

C. first-person controllers

D. Box Colliders

Q5. The Prototyping package is most useful for...

A. building levels

B. prototyping code

C. animating objects

D. creating camera effects

Q6. When pressed in the scene tab, the F key will...

A. center the view on the selected object

B. remove the selected object

C. hide the selected object

D. freeze the selected object

Q7. You can access the Snapping Feature by pressing...

A. the C key

B. the V key

C. the D key

D. the E key