The Golden Key (Germany)
One winter, when a deep snow was lying on the ground, a poor boy had to go out in a sledge to fetch wood. As soon as he had collected together a sufficient quantity, he thought that before he returned home he would make a fire to warm himself, because his limbs were so frozen. So, sweeping the snow away,he made a clear space, and presently found a small gold key. As soon as he picked it up, he began to think that where there was a key there must also be a lock; and, digging in the earth,he found a small iron chest. “I hope the key will fit,”thought he to himself; “there are certainly great treasures in this box!”He looked all over it, but could not find any keyhole; but at last he did discover one, which was, however,so small that it could scarcely be seen. He tried the key, and behold! it fitted exactly. Then he turned it once round, and now, if you will wait until he has quite unlocked it, and lifted up the lid, then we shall learn what wonderful treasures were in the chest...
Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm