TYPO3 4.2 E/Commerce

Installation of TYPO3

TYPO3 is developed and is in use as GNU General Public License (a free, copyleft license for non-profit and commercial homepages). This software was created in 1997 and is still being supplemented with new functions. The basic server requirements are:

  • A web server with Apache (recommended)—Apache (under Linux, Windows, Unix platforms) or IIS (under Windows platform)
  • PHP—TYPO3 version 4.2 onwards; you need a PHP 5.2 or higher
  • MySQL database

These server extras are also recommended:

  • GraphicsMagick (standalone). ImageMagick will work too.
  • GDlib/Freetype (compiled with PHP).
  • zlib (compiled with PHP).
  • Apache with mod_gzip/mod_rewrite.
  • A PHP-cache (for example, PHP-accelerator/Zend Accelerator, Unix only).

There are a few basic steps to start your first TYPO3-driven shop:

  1. First, you need a copy of TYPO3. In this example, we used the dummy and core package that is needed for a new installation. You can get your free copy at http://typo3.org/download.


    If you prefer using the SSH/Shell Access (especially in a Unix server), we recommend downloading the *.tgz package. This package contains symbolic links (symlinks). If you use a Unix server with the ability to create symlinks, download the *.tgz package.

    You will find detailed information about TYPO3 installation on different servers at TYPO3Wiki: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/TYPO3_Installation_Basics

  2. Choose one of the installer packages if you don't have a web server, or choose the zip or tar.gz packages option if you do have a web server.
  3. Unzip the copy of TYPO3 with a decompressing software such as WinZip, WinRar, or 7Zip—the choice is up to you.
  4. Upload a copy of TYPO3 to your FTP web space with the accordant FTP software. To start the installation you need to add an extra file—the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL. You have to create this file independently. For example, you could create the file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL.txt and upload this file to your TYPO3 installation folder /TYPO3-ROOT-FOLDER/typo3conf. Then, delete the file extension *.txt.


    To be safe, we recommend FileZilla and the SFTP mode if possible.

Base requirements for different operational systems and installation in different operational systems' environments are described on the TYPO3Wiki page: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/TYPO3_Installation_Basics. You could also go to the TYPO3 homepage: http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/doc_basicinstall/current/.

You can run the TYPO3 Install tool now.