Flash Multiplayer Virtual Worlds

Downloading SmartFoxServer Pro

We are going to walkthrough the installation of SmartFoxServer Pro and third-party web server and database in all supported platforms.

For Windows, Mac OS, and Linux that have a graphic user interface, you can follow these steps to download the SmartFoxServer Pro:

  1. Go to http://www.smartfoxserver.com/products/pro.php#downloads in web browser.
  2. Select the OS platform. We will use Windows 32-bit as an example here.
  3. The download will start after clicking on the Download button.

For Linux platform that does not have a graphic user interface, you can follow these steps to download the SmartFoxServer Pro Linux x86-32-bit version:

  1. Go to the directory that planned to place the SmartFoxServer.
  2. Type the following line in the terminal to download the file:
    wget http://www.smartfoxserver.com/products/download.php?d=76
  3. The download will start after pressing the Enter key.

For a Linux platform that does not have graphic user interface, you can follow these steps to download the SmartFoxServer Pro Linux x86-64-bit version:

  1. Go to the directory that planned to place the SmartFoxServer.
  2. Type the following line in the terminal to download the file:
    wget http://www.smartfoxserver.com/products/download.php?d=77
  3. The download will start after pressing the Enter key.