Azure for Architects


Webhooks became famous after the advent of REST endpoints and JSON data payloads. Webhooks are an important concept and architectural decision in the extensibility of any application. Webhooks are placeholders that are left within special areas of an application so that the user of the application can fill those placeholders with endpoint URLs containing custom logic. The application will invoke the endpoint URL, automatically passing in the necessary parameters, and then execute the login available therein.

Azure Automation runbooks can be invoked manually from the Azure portal. They can also be invoked using PowerShell cmdlets and the Azure CLI. There are SDKs available in multiple languages that are capable of invoking runbooks.

Webhooks are one of the most powerful ways to invoke a runbook. It is important to note that runbooks containing the main logic should never be exposed directly as a webhook. They should be called using a parent runbook, and the parent runbook should be exposed as a webhook. The parent runbook should ensure that appropriate checks are made before invoking the main child runbook.

The first step in creating a webhook is to author a runbook normally, as done previously. After a runbook has been authored, it will be exposed as a webhook.

A new PowerShell-based runbook named exposedrunbook is created. This runbook takes a single parameter, $WebhookData, of the object type. It should be named verbatim. This object is created by the Azure Automation runtime and is supplied to the runbook. The Azure Automation runtime constructs this object after obtaining the HTTP request header values and body content and fills in the RequestHeader and RequestBody properties of this object:



    [object] $WebhookData


$webhookname = $WebhookData.WebhookName

$headers = $WebhookData.RequestHeader

$body = $WebhookData.RequestBody

Write-output "webhook header data"

Write-Output $webhookname

Write-output $headers.message

Write-output $headers.subject

 $connectionname = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $body)

./connectAzure.ps1 -connectionName  $connectionname[0].name

The three important properties of this object are WebhookName, RequestHeader, and RequestBody. The values are retrieved from these properties and sent to the output stream by the runbook.

The header and body content can be anything that the user supplies when invoking the webhook. These values get filled up into the respective properties and become available within the runbook. In the previous example, there are two headers set by the caller, namely message and status header. The caller will also supply the name of the shared connection to be used as part of the body content.

After the runbook is created, it should be published before a webhook can be created. After publishing the runbook, clicking on the Webhook menu at the top starts the process of creating a new webhook for the runbook, as shown in Figure 4.16:

Navigating to the Webhook menu and creating a new webhook.
Figure 4.16: Creating a webhook

A name for the webhook should be provided. This value is available within the runbook using the WebhookData parameter with the WebhookName property name.

The webhook can be in the enabled or disabled state, and it can expire at a given date and time. It also generates a URL that is unique for this webhook and runbook. This URL should be provided to anyone who wishes to invoke the webhook.

Invoking a webhook

Webhooks are invoked as HTTP requests using the POST method. When a webhook is invoked, the HTTP request lands up with Azure Automation to start a runbook. It creates the WebHookData object, filling it with the incoming HTTP header and body data, and creates a job to be picked up by a runbook worker. This call uses the webhook URL generated in the previous step.

The webhook can be invoked using Postman, by any code having the capability of calling a REST endpoint using the POST method. In the next example, PowerShell will be used to invoke the webhook:

$uri = ""

$connection  = @(

            @{  name="azureforarchitectsconnection"}



$body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $ connection  

$header = @{ subject="VMS specific to Ritesh";message="Get all virtual machine details"}


$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $uri -Body $body -Headers $header

$jobid = (ConvertFrom-Json ($response.Content)).jobids[0]

The PowerShell code declares the URL for the webhook and constructs the body in JSON format, with name set to azureforarchitectsconnection and a header with two header name-value pairs – subject and message. Both the header and body data can be retrieved in the runbook using the WebhookData parameter.

The invoke-webrequest cmdlet raises the request on the previously mentioned endpoint using the POST method, supplying both the header and the body.

The request is asynchronous in nature, and instead of the actual runbook output, the job identifier is returned as an HTTP response. It is also available within the response content. The job is shown in Figure 4.17:

The job details displayed in the portal with the Id, Status, and the job name.
Figure 4.17: Checking the job

Clicking on WEBHOOKDATA shows the values that arrived in the runbook automation service in the HTTP request:

The values from WEBHOOKDATA, which is arrived in the runbook automation service in the HTTP request (here, displaying the name ‘azureforarchitectsconnection’).
Figure 4.18: Verifying the output

Clicking on the output menu shows the list of VMs and SQL Server in the subscription.

The next important concepts in Azure Automation are Azure Monitor and Hybrid Workers, and the next sections will explain them in detail.

Invoking a runbook from Azure Monitor

Azure Automation runbooks can be invoked as responses to alerts generated within Azure. Azure Monitor is the central service that manages logs and metrics across resources and resource groups in a subscription. You can use Azure Monitor to create new alert rules and definitions that, when triggered, can execute Azure Automation runbooks. They can invoke an Azure Automation runbook in its default form or a webhook that in turn can execute its associated runbook. This integration between Azure Monitor and the ability to invoke runbooks opens numerous automation opportunities to autocorrect the environment, scale up and down compute resources, or take corrective actions without any manual intervention.

Azure alerts can be created and configured in individual resources and resource levels, but it is always a good practice to centralize alert definitions for easy and better maintenance and administration.

Let's go through the process of associating a runbook with an alert and invoking the runbook as part of the alert being raised.

The first step is to create a new alert, as shown in Figure 4.19:

Selecting the ‘Alerts’ option from the left-hand navigation and clicking on the ‘New alert rule’ button.
Figure 4.19: Creating an alert rule

Select a resource that should be monitored and evaluated for alert generation. A resource group has been selected from the list, and it automatically enables all resources within the resource group. It is possible to remove the resource selections from the resource group:

Selecting the checkboxesfor the scope of the alert from the available resources.
Figure 4.20: Selecting the scope of the alert

Configure the condition and rules that should get evaluated. Select the Power Off Virtual Machine signal name after selecting Activity Log as the Signal type:

Selecting the signal name in the ‘Configure signal logic’ pane.
Figure 4.21: Selecting the signal type

The resultant window will allow you to configure the Alert logic/condition. Select critical for Event Level, and set Status to Succeeded:

Setting up the alert logic by configuring the values for the option—event level, status, and event initiated by.
Figure 4.22: Setting up the alert logic

After determining the alert condition comes the most important configuration, which configures the response to the alert by invoking a runbook. We can use Action groups to configure the response to an alert. It provides numerous options to invoke an Azure function, webhook, or Azure Automation runbook, as well as to send emails and SMS.

Create an action group by providing a name, a short name, its hosting subscription, a resource group, and an Action name. Corresponding to Action name select the Automation Runbook option as Action Type:

Configuring the action group by providing the action name and action type.
Figure 4.23 Configuring the action group

Selecting an automation runbook will open another blade for selecting an appropriate Azure Automation account and runbook. Several runbooks are available out of the box, and one of them has been used here:

Using the ‘ConfigureRunbook‘ pane to create arunbook.
Figure 4.24 Creating the runbook

Finally, provide a name and hosting resource group to create a new alert.

If the VM is deallocated manually, the alert condition gets satisfied and it will raise an alert:

Testing the alerts by providing a name and hosting resource group to create a new alert.
Figure 4.25 Testing alerts

If you check the details of the VM after a few seconds, you should see that the VM is being deleted:

The details of the VM displayed in the portal, showing the status ‘Deleting’.
Figure 4.26 Verifying the results

Hybrid Workers

So far, all the execution of runbooks has primarily been on infrastructure provided by Azure. The runbook workers are Azure compute resources that are provisioned by Azure with appropriate modules and assets deployed in them. Any execution of runbooks happens on this compute. However, it is possible for users to bring their own compute and execute the runbook on this user-provided compute rather than on default Azure compute.

This has multiple advantages. The first and foremost is that the entire execution and its logs are owned by the user with Azure having no visibility of it. Second, the user-provided compute could be on any cloud, as well as on-premises.

Adding a Hybrid Worker involves multiple steps

First and foremost, an agent needs to be installed on the user-provided compute. Microsoft provides a script that can download and configure the agent automatically. This script is available from

The script can also be executed from PowerShell ISE as an administrator from within the server that should be part of the Hybrid Worker using the following command:

Install-Script -Name New-OnPremiseHybridWorker -verbose

After the script is installed, it can be executed along with parameters related to the Azure Automation account details. A name is also provided for the Hybrid Worker. If the name does not exist already, it will be created; if it exists, the server will be added to the existing Hybrid Worker. It is possible to have multiple servers within a single Hybrid Worker, and it is possible to have multiple Hybrid Workers as well:

New-OnPremiseHybridWorker.ps1 -AutomationAccountName bookaccount -AAResourceGroupName automationrg '

-HybridGroupName "localrunbookexecutionengine" '

-SubscriptionID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Once the execution finishes, navigating back to the portal will show an entry for a Hybrid Worker, as shown in Figure 4.27:

An entry for a Hybrid Worker displayed in the portal.
Figure 4.27: Checking user Hybrid Worker groups

If, at this time, an Azure runbook is executed that has a dependency on the Az module and a custom certificate uploaded to the certificate asset, it will fail with errors related to the Az module and the certificate not being found:

The Errors tab in the lower pane, displaying the error details on running the Azure runbook.
Figure 4.28: Checking errors

Install the Az module using the following command on the server:

Install-module -name Az -AllowClobber -verbose

It is also important to have the .pfx certificate available on this server. The previously exported certificate should be copied to the server and installed manually.

After installation of the Az module and certificate, re-executing the runbook on the Hybrid Worker is shown in Figure 4.29, and it should show the list of VMs in the subscription:

In the ‘Start Runbook’ pane, adding the connection name as ‘azureforarchitectsconnection’, running settings as Hybrid Workers, and the Hybrid Worker group as ‘localrunbookexecutionengine’.
Figure 4.29: Setting up a runbook to run on a Hybrid Worker

When we discussed different scenarios, we talked about configuration management. In the next section, we will be discussing configuration management with Azure Automation in more detail.