Lesson 10 I guess I'll thaw this out.我想我会把它解冻。
Part 1 Real Life Situation
You're discussing what to make for dinner.You have a frozen steak that you can make.You decide that you should cook it,but you need to warm it up first.You say this.
I guess I'll thaw this out.我想我会把它解冻。
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.
1."I'll/ail/" sounds different than "L",but the same as "aisle".But when you say it fast,it sounds more like/al/.
1.“I'll/ail/” 的发音与 “L” 不同,与 “aisle” 相同。但当你读快时,听起来更像/al/。
2.When you practice pronouncing "thaw",carefully control your tongue and lips:the tip of your tongue should press your upper teeth,and your lips should make a circle,not too big,not too small.
2.练习 “thaw” 的发音时,注意控制舌头和嘴唇:舌尖应该压住上牙齿,嘴唇成圆形,不要太大,也不要太小。
3.“this” 和 “out” 依旧连读。
3.Link "this" and "out" as always.
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
The stress and rising tone is on"guess".And since it's about an everyday situation,you don't need to say it with much emotion.But do say it with a little hesitation,because "guess" implies that you're not really excited about it.
“guess” 要以升调重读,由于这是一句日常用语,所以说时不需要饱含情感。但是请带一点儿犹豫的语调,因为 “guess” 暗示着你对此事兴趣并不浓厚。
So,now you know how to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
I guess…我想……
"I guess…" can be used to announce a deci-sion that you're not sure about,or not enthusiastic a-bout.In the example above,you're not very excited about cooking the frozen steak,but you don't have anything better to cook so you say "I guess…"
“I guess…” 可以用来表达一个你不确定或不热衷的决定。在上面的例子中,你对烹饪冷冻牛排并不是很感兴趣,但你没有更好的选择,所以你说 “I guess…”
As another example,imagine that you're having dinner with your extended family.People are working on cooking,and you don't have anything to do so you say:
I guess I'll set the table.那……我来把桌子布置一下吧!
"Setting the table" means that you put all the dishes,glasses,napkins and silverware out on the table.
“布置桌子” 意味着你要把所有的餐盘、杯子、餐巾和镀银餐具摆放在桌子上。
Another similar use of"I guess" is to agree with someone while showing that you don't completely want to agree.
“I guess” 的另一个用意是赞同某人的提议,但并不完全同意。
并且 “I guess” 也可以用于向某人表示你已经改变了主意。
And "I guess" is also useful for showing some-one that you've changed your mind about some-thing.
I guess I might as well stick around and have one more drink.
For example
A:Are you OK with Chinese food tonight?(今晚吃中餐可以吗?)
B:I guess so.(可以吧!)
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
thaw ( something) out解冻 (某物)
The meaning of the word "thaw" is similar to"melt".But when something melts,it means that the thing turns into a liquid.
“thaw” 一词的含义类似于“melt”。当你说某物融化 (melt)了,其意思是它变成了液体。
The ice is melting.冰正在融化。
Compare this with thawing,which also means to become unfrozen.However,when something"thaws",it doesn't turn into a liquid.Instead,it just becomes softer.
与之相比,“thawing” 同样表示解冻,但说某件东西thawing时,指它不会变成液体,而是会变得更柔软。
The chicken is thawing.鸡肉正在解冻。
We'll start preparing for our garden when the ground thaws in early spring.