第五节 写作词汇的使用
词是构成篇章的最小单位。从写作的角度讲,词可以根据其语体特色分为普通词(例如begin, buy, drink)、书面词语(如commence, purchase)、口语体词汇(如kid, vim)。对于写作初学者,在写作中根据语体来选择词汇是比较困难的,但尽量要避免使用俚语,也不要追求书面语词汇。力求准确地使用普通词汇即常用词汇,应是我们写作的原则。例如:
People often collect things. Stamps, books and records are fairly common. But the strangest collection I have ever seen belongs to a man who possesses 150 clocks. There are clocks in every room of his house. Each clock keeps its own time, so chimes can be heard almost any time during the day and night. In her opinion, however, there is something even worse than dust and noise. Even with so many clocks around, she never knows what time it is!

词汇的本意指其基本含义,引申意义往往指从本义发展出来的意义、暗示的意义或感情色彩。例如country, nation, state和land的本义均含有“国家”的意义,但其引申意义却各有不同。Country着眼于国家的版图领土,nation着重于一个国家的民族,state强调国家的政体,land较模糊地从地理学角度着眼于一个国家,但常含较浓的感情色彩,因此常构成mother-land, father-land, home-land等复合词和词组。
Japan is an island country.
Please name your neighboring countries.
We are a peace-loving nation.
The modernization program has won the support of the whole nation.
China belongs to the Third World states.
Ours is a state-owned enterprise.
He died for his mother-land.
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.
In this area, farming is as important as forestry.
英语词汇十分丰富,与汉语词汇一样,常常一词多义、一词多性,一个词语有多种具有相互联系的词义、不同的词性,在不同的语境中可以表达多种不同的意义,也可呈现不同的词性。如多义词develop, 《朗文当代英语辞典》中列出的develop动词义项有:
(1)to grow or gradually change into a larger, stronger, or more advanced state.如:
Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.
(2)to make a new idea, plan, or product become successful over a period of time.如:
Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis.
(3)to start to have a feeling or a quality that then becomes stronger.如:
It was in college that he developed a taste for rugby football.
(4)to make an argument or idea dearer, by studying it more or by speak ing or writing about it in more detail.如:
We will develop a few of these points in the seminar.
(5)to use land for the things that people need.如:
The land was developed for low-cost housing.
(6)to make a photograph out of a photograph film.如:
Did you ever get the pictures developed?
(1)形容词,adj. very large or important, when compared to other things or people of a similar kind.
There are two major political parties in the US.
(2)名词,n. the main subject that a student studies at college or university.
Her major is history.
(3)动词,v. to study something as your main subject at college or university.
He is majoring in political science.
His anger knew no boundness.
The atrocities of the reactionaries roused the people to great indignation.
如I like to work with that(resolute/stubborn)person.此句中由like来看,应选用褒义词,resolute表示“坚决的,刚毅的”, stubborn表示“倔强的”,因此选用resolute。
再如They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.其中用preach(宣扬)和advocate(提倡)来表达对idealism与materialism的不同态度。