43.Lumbago and Acupuncture腰疼与针刺疗法
Patient: I feel painful in my shoulders and lower back. My shoulders have bothered me for a long time. But the pain in my lower back started only a week ago. Is there anything you can do to relieve my pain?
病人: 我觉得腰及肩部有些疼痛。我的肩已疼了很长时间,但腰疼只有一周。你能帮助我止疼吗?
Nurse: Yes. But,let me examine you frst.
护士: 好,让我先检查一下。
(After examination)
Nurse: We will try acupuncture and see what happens. Are you afraid of needles?
护士: 我们想给你针刺治疗,看看是否有效。你害怕扎针吗?
Patient: No.
病人: 不怕。
Nurse: That’s good. When I insert the needle into a certain point,you may have the sensation of soreness,numbness and something like an electric shock. If you feel these sensations,it shows that the treatment is effective. Now,I am going to start. Take it easy and don’t move. How do you feel when I rotate the needle?
护士: 那很好。当我把针刺入穴位时,你会有酸、麻和触电似的感觉。如果你有这些感觉,说明针刺有效。现在我开始给你针刺。别紧张,别动。我捻针时你有什么感觉?
Patient: I feel sore and some numbness.
病人: 我觉得发酸和有点麻木。
Nurse: I am also going to try cupping therapy on you after the needles are removed. You will only feel a little heat but no pain.
护士: 拔针以后我再给你拔罐治疗。你会感到有些热,但是一点也不疼。
(After the treatment)
Nurse: How do you feel now?
护士: 现在你感觉如何?
Patient: Much better. How long should I undergo this treatment?
病人: 好多了。我要治疗多久?
Nurse: Once a day for a course of ten days. It should be able to relieve you of your pain.
护士: 一个疗程要10天,每天一次。这样可以治愈你的疼痛。