第2章 英国媒体
2.1 复习笔记
I. The press
1. Types of the press
2. National newspapers
3. Censorship of the British press
4. Two features of the British press
5. Political outlook of newspapers
6. Local paper
7. Periodicals
II. Radio and television
1. Running companies
2. BBC
III. News agencies
1. Reuters
2. The Press Association Ltd.
3. Extel Financial
I. The Press (报纸)
1. Types of the press (报纸类型)
(1) 12 national daily newspapers
The Times, Daily Mail, The Guardian, Daily Express, The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mirror, Financial Times, The Sun, The Independent, Morning StarDaily Star, Today
(2) 9 Sunday newspapers
The Observer (1791) , News of the World (1843) , The Sunday Times (1822) , The People (1881) , Sunday Telegraph (1961) , Sunday Express (1918)
The Independent on Sunday (1990) , Sunday Mirror (1963) , The Mail on Sunday (1982)
(3) More than 100 regional morning, evening and .Sunday newspapers
(4) Nearly 1600 weekly paid-for and free distribution newspapers
(5) 7000 periodical publications
Classified as “consumer general interest”, “special interest” and “business-to-business”
(1) 12种全国日报
(2) 9种全国星期日报纸
(3) 一百多种地方的晨报、晚报和星期日报
(4) 周刊一千六百种
(5) 七千多种期刊
2. National newspapers (全国性报纸)
(1) The quality newspapers
①It refers to newspapers which were mainly founded before 1896.
②They follow the tradition of the journals of the 18th century and early 19th century and contain political, industrial, financial and cultural news in the U.K. and international news as well.
③They publish lengthy articles and have an undramatic design.
④The Times
The Times is the most famous of all British papers and the oldest.
(2) Popular newspapers
①The popular national newspapers are mainly represented by newspapers founded after the launching of the Daily Mail in 1896.
②They are largely tabloids, half the size of broadsheets.
③They publish sensational stories to excite the reader and, have enormous circulations.
(1) 严肃报纸
(2) 大众化报纸
3. Censorship of the British press (报纸审查制度)
There is no censorship of the British press. But publishers can be prosecuted for libel if they damage a person’s reputation by making up stories.
4. Two features of the British press (英国报纸的两大特点)
(1) A paper printed in London or elsewhere in Britain around midnight can be at a breakfast table anywhere in Britain the next morning.
(2) Running a newspaper is a very expensive and highly competitive business; independent small newspaper publishers find it very difficult to survive.
(1) 半夜印出的报纸,第二天清晨就可看到。
(2) 办报是一个很昂贵而又竞争十分激烈的事情,小的独立报纸难以生存。
5. Political outlook of newspapers (政治倾向)
Most of them have their own political view.
6. Local paper (地方报纸)
There is a daily or a weekly. Often they are named after the localities, and belong to one or other of the large newspaper enterprises.
7. Periodicals (期刊)
(1) Periodicals of all types are usually put out either weekly or monthly.
(2) Almost every branch of study, every profession, industry, hobby, religion and sport has its own-journal.
(3) Famous ones
The most important are the Economist, New Statesman, Spectator.
(1) 按周或按月发行。
(2) 每一处研究领域,每处专业、工业、兴趣、宗教和运动都有自己的期刊。
(3) 著名期刊
II. Radio and television (广播与电视)
1. They are chiefly run by three companies: the British Broadcasting Corporation (B. B. C.), the Independent Television Commission (I. T. C.), and the Radio Authority, though there are many commercial companies.
2. BBC
(1) The BBC. was founded in 1922 and chartered in 1927.
(2) There are five BBC. radio channels during the day for sound broadcasting. They cater for different tastes.
(3) Special broadcasts are available to cover half of the schools in Britain.
(4) The BBC. World Service operates extensive international short-wave services in 39 languages.
(1) 英国广播公司于1922年创办,1927年得到特许。
(2) 分五套具有不同特色的节目通过五个频道向全国播放。
(3) 特别放送涵盖英国一半学校。
(4) 通过短波,用三十九种语言向全世界播送。
III. News agencies (通讯社)
1. Reuters (路透社)
(1) Reuters is one of the four major news agencies in the West.
(2) In 1851 Reuters was founded in London.
(3) It is an important tool of the British government.
(1) 路透社是西方四大通讯社之一。
(2) 1851年创建于伦敦。
(3) 是英国政府重要宣传工具。
2. The Press Association Ltd. (新闻联合社)
The Press Association Ltd. which was founded by provincial newspapers on a co-operative basis in 1868 is the oldest and largest news agency operating exclusively in Britain.
3. Extel Financial (金融交换电讯社)
(1) Extel Financial is a news agency based in London and has a network of offices in Europe and the United States and direct representation in Japan and South-East Asia.
(2) It collects data from all over the world’s major stock exchanges, companies and the international press and supplies a full range of information and services to financial and business communities throughout the world.
(3) It also offers reference materials on companies and securities.
(1) 金融交换电讯社设在伦敦。在欧洲和美国等地设有分支机构。
(2) 该社从世界各大证券交易所、各大公司、世界各种报刊上收集信息数据,向世界上各金融界和企业界提供即时的各种信息。
(3) 该社还提供有关各公司和证、债券方面的参考资料。
2.2 课后习题详解
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the two central features of the British press?
Key: (1) A paper printed in London around midnight can be read anywhere the next morning.
(2) The press is mostly owned by one of five large organizations; independent small newspaper publishers find it difficult to survive. The national papers contain news of national interest and are sold nationwide. The local papers contain news of interest to a particular region or town and are sold in that locality.
2. Which is the most famous and oldest British daily?
Key: The Times is the most famous and oldest British daily.
3. What are the most important journals? What do you know about them?
Key: Economist, New Statesmen, Spectator New society, Private and Punch are the most important journals in Britain, especially The Economist is the most influential and the most substantial. It seriously comments every event of any political or economic interest that has taken place in the world. The New Statesmen and Spectator are reviews of books and publish articles on the political or social affairs.
4. Name the two main radio and television companies.
When were they founded? What are their main features respectively?
Key: (1)The British Broadcasting Corporation(B. B. C.): It was founded in 1922 and does all sound broadcasting in Britain. There are four B. B. C. radio channels which have different tastes during the day. The B. B. C. World Service operates international short-wave services in 39 languages. There is no advertising on B. B. C. sound or television programs. And B. B. C. is financed by payment from all people who possess TV sets. If the payments are not enough, the Government gives grants to the rest of expenditure.
(2) The Independent Broadcasting Authority: It was founded in 1955. It is a commercial broadcasting and T. V. organization and advertisements are inserted between programs or in natural break in particular programs, so it gets money from advertising.
5. How is the B. B.C. financed?
Key: It is financed by payments from all people who possess T. V. sets.
6. What are the main news agencies in Britain? What do you know about Reuters?
Key: Reuters, the Press Association Ltd., and the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd are the main news agencies in Britain. Reuters is one of the four major news agencies in the world. It was founded in 1851 in London. It has about 1200 reporters stationed in 183 countries and regions. It is an important propaganda tool of the British monopoly bourgeoisie.
Exercise 2. Explain the following terms:
1. the ITC
Key: It is the abbreviation of the Independent Television Commission, which is an important television medium in Britain.
2. BBC
Key: It refers to the British Broadcasting Corporation, which is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world
3. the Times
Key: It is a daily newspaper published in London, one of Britain’s oldest and most influential, and one of the world’s greatest newspapers.
4. the Spectator
Key: It is a periodical given much space to reviews of books and to literary and other artistic matters and publish articles on the political and social affairs of the day.
5. Reuters
Key: It is one of the four major news agencies in the West; the principal news agency in every country in the world is affiliated to Reuters.
6. Extel Financial
Key: It is a news agency based in London and has a network of offices in Europe and the United States and direct representation in Japan and South-East Asia.
7. Radio Authority
Key: It is one of the British major radio and Television companies, e.g. the Economist: It is the most influential and most substantial periodical in Britain, making serious comments each week on every event of any political or economic interest that has taken place in any part of the world.