Passage 2 词汇量:关于词汇的事实 Vocabulary Size: Lexical1 Facts
Step 1 阅读行不行
Several years ago we mentioned TestYourVocab.com here on the blog. Not long ago, the site reached its two million tests results, and so the researchers have put together some data:
● Most adult native2 test-takers range from 20,000~35,000 words
● Average native test-takers of age 8 already know 10,000 words
● Average native test-takers of age 4 already know 5,000 words
● Adult native test-takers learn almost 1 new word a day until middle age
● Adult test-taker vocabulary growth basically stops at middle age
● The most common vocabulary size for foreign test-takers is 4,500 words
● Foreign test-takers tend to reach over 10,000 words by living abroad
● Foreign test-takers learn 2.5 new words a day while living in an English-speaking country
In a separate post, though, comes a surprising fact: the reading of fiction specifically is as important as reading generally. People who read“lots” and fiction“lots” outscore3 those who read “lots” but fiction only “somewhat”or “not much”. This is because a wider range of vocabulary is typically4 used in fiction than in non-fiction writing.
And if you're wondering “how accurate5 can this short test be? ” the details of the methodology6 are quite interesting and clearly explained. So if you haven't tested yourself, do it.
keywords and phrases
1 lexical /ˈleksɪkl/ adj. 词汇的
2 native /ˈneɪtɪv/ adj. 本国的;天生的
3 outscore /aʊt'skɔ:/ vt. 得分超过
4 typically /ˈtɪpɪklɪ/ adv. 通常;典型地
5 accurate /ˈækjərət/ adj. 精确的,准确的
6 methodology /ˌmeθə'dɒlədʒɪ/ n. (从事某一活动的)一套方法;方法学
phrase to know
put together 表示“组合,组成整体”,如:put together a toy是“组装玩具”的意思。文中表示研究人员把数据整合到一起。此外,put together还可以表示“组队”和“制定”,如:put a team together(组建一支球队), put together an agreement(制定协议)。
as important as 表示“与……一样重要”, as+原级+as意为“和……一样”,为同级比较,两个as之间通常为表示程度、性质的词,如:as tall as, as much as等。注意:当as...as与表示重量、数量、时间等计量名词连用时,往往并不表示比较,而是构成形容词词组,表示“多达……,高达……”等。例如:as tall as 2 meters(高达两米)。英语中还有许多as...as结构的表达,如:as gentle as a lamb(温柔得像只羊羔); as steady as a rock(稳如磐石)。
Step 2 手写行不行
★ 我们从该语言中选了几个最有代表性的词。(lexical)
★ 詹妮不仅说自己的母语英语,还会说法语。(not only... but also)
★ 中国篮球队赢了对方10分。(outscore)
★ 这一手术通常需要一两个小时,依其难易程度而定。(typically)
★ 他们的预测果然准确。(accurate)
★ 他选择使用一种不同的语言教学法。(methodology)
Step 3 口语行不行
Q1 According to the passage, what kinds of books are more effective in expanding vocabulary? Fiction or non-fiction?根据文章内容,哪类图书对于扩大词汇量更有效?小说还是非小说?
Q2 Do you think vocabulary is important in language learning? Why?你认为词汇在语言学习中重要吗?为什么?
Q3 How do you expand your vocabulary?你是如何扩大词汇量的?
Step 2 手写行不行答案
1.We chose a few of the most typical lexical items in the language.
2.Jenny spoke not only her native language English, but also French.
3.The Chinese basketball team outscored its opponent by ten points.
4.The operation typically takes an hour or two, depending on its difficulty.
5.Their predictions turned out to be accurate.
6.He chose to use a different methodology in language teaching.
Step 3 口语行不行答案
1.Fictions are more effective because a wider range of vocabulary is typically used in fiction than in non-fiction writing.
2.Of course it is important. An extensive vocabulary aids expression and communication and vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension. It is said that the knowledge of the words deriving from the 3000 most frequent English words provides a comprehension of 95% of word use, and knowledge of 5000 word families is necessary for 99.9% word coverage.
3.One of the best ways to expand my vocabulary is to read, since English-speaking people have a much wider vocabulary on the page. Besides, when I come across new words, I make a note of them in a notebook, and make a note of the sentence I see the word in too. Another method is to learn words in groups of topic. I focus on a single theme each week and my mind will naturally cluster words together.