A number of individuals and organizations have contributed to the production of this book. I am very grateful to Steve Piersanti, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, Neal Maillet, and everyone at Berrett-Koehler for caring about the book and making it the best it can be. It was a pleasure to again work with David Peattie at BookMatters, and I thank Mike Mollett for his expert and sensitive copyedit. Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza, Jim Wylde, and Silvia Brugge provided comments on an early draft of the manuscript. This was very helpful, and I am grateful. I am very thankful for the flexibility that was allowed me in my positions with the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, and the Australian Business School, University of New South Wales to engage in this type of work. In addition to the academic research referenced, the book was influenced by the numerous discussions I have had on this topic with my colleagues, most notably Mary Yoko Brannen, Stacey Fitzsimmons, and Andre Pekerti. Finally, not only was my partner, Lisa, supportive of this work, she read and commented on every chapter. Her perspective as a multicultural person as well as her attention to detail greatly improved the manuscript.