第3章 Student Money学生如何理财
What is student money
Many of us would like to have money in savings. Frankly speaking, a dollar spent now seems to provide a lot more pleasure than a dollar saved, how can you make sure you're motivated enough to put money aside on a regular basis?
Here are five things that could work for you.
(1) Save little and often
Do you tell yourself that it's not worth saving if you don't have at least 100 (or 500, or 1000) to put into a savings account? This is a bit like telling yourself that it's not worth getting some exercise unless you have a whole day clear to jog.
How about saving just a dollar or two each day? Most of us can cut a couple of dollars of unnecessary spending every day (how about skipping that latte, carpooling, ditching your daily newspaper…?) It's a tiny amount that you'll barely notice on a daily basis, but over the course of a year, you'll have saved several hundred dollars.
(2) Read personal finance blogs.
I find that I get encouraged to save——and to adopt good financial habits in general-by reading about others' tips and success. One of my must-read blogs for this is The Simple Dollar; Trent writes very well, and covers topics in-depth without making them too complicated. He also has an upbeat and motivating attitude towards savings and finances (some personal finance blogs can make for rather dour reading).
Other good blogs on personal finance are Get Rich Slowly and Wise Bread.
(3) Keep a savings log
Something that's often recommended for those sorting out their finances is to keep a spending log——to write down what you spend, so that you have a clear picture of where all the money is going. I've done this in the past, and it's always revealing (and occasionally a bit horrifying!)
A twist on this, though, is to keep a savings log. Each time you make a deposit into your savings account (or each time you shove a few dollars into the jam jar hidden under your bed), write down the date and how much you saved. This can be a great way to motivate you to save more. You could also use your calendar or diary for this.
(4) Save towards a specific goal
Having a very clear goal in mind can make it much easier to save up. If you know that you need 1,000 for that new computer, or if you're determined to reach, 5000 in your emergency fund, focusing on the end goal can keep you motivated.
Your end reward might not be a tangible thing like a vacation or a new purchase: it might be peace of mind, or a sense of security or freedom. Consider visualizing how you'll feel once you have your target amount in the bank. Will it take a weight off your shoulders? Will you be proud of what you've achieved?
(5) Automate Your Savings
Finally, if you do find that your motivation waxes and wanes, simply automate your savings. Get your bank to transfer 100 (or 200 or 500 etc) from your checking account into a savings account, at the start of each month. If the money goes out without you having to lift a finger, chances are that you'll simply let it head off into the saving pot.
理财(Financial management)即对于财产(包含有形财产(tangible assets)和无形财产(intangible assets)=知识产权(intellectual property right))的经营。多用于个人对于个人财产或家庭财产的经营,是指个人或机构根据个人或机构当前的实际经济状况,设定想要达成的经济目标(financial objective),在限定的时限内采用一类或多类金融投资工具(financial investment tool),通过一种或多种途径达成其经济目标的计划、规划或解决方案。具体实施该规划方案的过程,也称理财。我国流传悠久的“开源节流”(broaden sources of income and reduce expenditure)就是很好的理财思想之一。既开源,又节流,开源节流并重,大学生理财(student money)也要从这两方面出发。
Key words & Sentences
It is urgent to strengthen frugality and set up the consciousness of manage finances in students.
Financial planning helps you keep your assets where they should be, in your own pocket.
She is wise in money matters.
Are you good at managing your money?
She's not a very good manager she always spends more money than she earns.
When it comes to select a fund, you will always read “Past performance is not an indication of future results”.
The market undergoes great change from day to day.
I have doubted those funds with bad stock performance.
I really want to decrease the risk reach the minimum and achieve the maximum returns.
If you refuse to take risk, you can't have better returns.
How do you deal with this money, deposit in the bank or do some investment?
Are you a “moonlight clan”?
My mother always deposits the money in the bank.
Nowadays many people chose to withdraw money from bank and do investment.
Investing money to fund is safer than to stock.
The government encourages people to invest.
The students can gain extra income by doing part-time job, and avoid blind consumption, which can accumulate some savings.
Let's Talk!
William: The interest rate decrease again, it will suffer a lost if deposit this money in the bank.
Taylor: Everyone wants to be financial lose kill. You must invest your savings if you planed to become rich.
William: I'm thinking about buying stocks. It can be a good investment if I can manage well. What do you say?
Taylor: I partly agree with you. Buying stocks is not difficult, but making money consistently from buying stock is very difficult. Even professionals don't find it easy. Did you ever buy any stock before?
William: Never, but I bought the national debts.
Taylor: They're quite different. The national debts are the investment tool with much lower risk, while stock market is full of high risks.
William: I know. Higher risk always accompany with high profit.
Taylor: That's true. In a word, be careful.
William: Anyway, people like us need help with investing.
Taylor: Why not do some online research? There are data, reports and discussion forums to educate people on how to invest. In addition, you need to visit an established website that offers stock charts.
William: Wow, you sound very professional.
Taylor: I just watched the investment TV program last weekend. It has become a very hot topic these days. Actually I am not even a beginner.
William: Are you interested in buying stock? We can do it together.
Taylor: I'm a risk avoid person, I prefer the national debts or fund with lower risk.
William: Up to you.