1. Tsae Yu being asleep during the daytime, the Master said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved; a wall of dirty earth will not receive the trowel. This Yu!—what is the use of my reproving him?"
2. The Master said, "At first, my way with men was to hear their words, and give them credit for their conduct. Now my way is to hear their words, and look at their conduct. It is from Yu that I have learned to make this change."
8. SUPERIORITY OF YEN HWUY TO TSZEKUNG. 2. 望, 'to look to', 'to look up to', here=比, 'to compare with'. 'One' is the begin. of numbers, and 'ten' the, completion; hence the mean. of 闻一以知十, as in the transl. 3. 与=许, 'to allow', 'to grant to'. Ho An gives here the comm. of 包咸, (about A.D.50), who interprets strangely, —'I and you are both not equal to him', saying that Conf. thus comforted Tsze-kung.
9. THE IDLENESS OF TSAE YU AND ITS REPROOF. 1. 于予与, 'In the case of Yu!' 与 has here the force of an exclam.; so, below. 诛, a strong term, to mark the severity of the reproof. 2. 子曰is superfluous. The char. were probably added by a transcriber. If not, they should head another chapter.