"WELL," Tom, it doesn't seem possible; does it, old man?""You're right, Ned--in a way.And yet, after all the hard work we've done, almost anything is possible.""Hard work! We? Oh, pshaw! You've done most of it, Tom.I only helped here and there.""Indeed, and you did more than that.If it hadn't been for you, Mr.Damon and Koku we'd never have gotten off as soon as we did.The government is the limit for doing things, sometimes.""Bless my timetable! but I agree with you," put in Mr.Damon."But at last we are on the way, in spite of delays."This conversation took place on board one of Uncle Sam's warships, which the President had designated to take Tom's giant cannon to the Panama Canal.
The big gun had been lashed to the deck of the vessel, and was well protected from the weather.In the hold the parts of the disappearing carriage, which Tom had at last succeeded in having made, were securely stowed.In another part of the warship were the big projectiles, some arranged to be fired as solid shots, and others with a bursting charge.There was also a good supply of the powerful explosive, and Tom had taken extraordinary precautions so that it could not be tampered with.Koku had been detailed as a sort of guard over it, and to relieve him was a trustworthy sergeant of marines.
"If anyone tries to dope that powder now, and spoil my test at Panama," declared Tom, "he'll wish he'd never tried it.""Especially if Koku gets hold of him," added Ned, grimly.
"But I don't believe there is any danger," went on the young inventor."I spoke about what had happened, and the ordnance board took extra precautions to see that none but men and officers who could be implicitly trusted had anything to do with this expedition.""You don't really believe anything like treachery would be attempted;do you, Tom?"
"I don't know what to say.Certainly I can't see why anyone connected with Uncle Sam would want to throw cold water on a plan to fortify the canal, even if an outsider has invented the gun--I mean someone like myself, not connected with the army or navy.""If it's anything it's jealousy," declared Ned, "That General Waller--" "There you go again, Ned.Let's not talk about it.Come on forwardand see what progress we are making."
It must not be supposed that to get the big gun aboard the vessel, arrange for a new supply of the explosive, and for many of the great projectiles, had been easy work.It was a task that taxed the skill and strength of Tom and his friends to the utmost.
There had been wearying delays, especially in the matter of making the disappearing carriage.At times it seemed as if the required projectiles would never be finished.The powder, too, gave trouble, for sometimes batches would be turned out that were utterly worthless.
But Tom never gave up, even when it seemed that some of the failures were purposely made.Ned declared that there was a conspiracy against his chum, but Tom could not see it that way.It was due to a combination of circumstances, he insisted.
But finally the gun had been put aboard the ship, having been transported from the proving ground in the valley, and they were now en route to Panama.There the giant cannon was to be set up, and tried again.If it came up to expectations it was to be finally adopted as the official gun for the protection of the big canal, and Tom would receive a substantial reward.
"And I'm confident that it will make good," said the young inventor to his chum, as they paced the deck of the vessel."In fact, I'm so sure I have practically engaged the Universal Steel Company to hold itself in readiness to make several more of the guns.""But suppose Uncle Sam decides against the cannon on this second test?""Well, then I've lost out, that's all," declared Tom, philosophically."But I don't believe they will.""It certainly is a giant cannon," remarked Ned, as he paused to look at the prostrate monster, lashed to the deck, with its wrappings of tarpaulins."It looks bigger here than it did when you fired the shot that saved the town, Tom.""Yes, I suppose it does, by contrast.But let's go down and see how the powder and shells are standing the trip.I told the captain to have them securely lashed, so if we struck rough weather, and the vessel rolled, they wouldn't carry away.""Especially the powder," put in Ned."If that starts to banging around-- well, I'd rather be somewhere else.""Bless my rain gauge!" cried Mr.Damon."Please don't say such things.You make me nervous.You're as bad as that steel foreman.""All right, I'll be better," promised Ned, with a laugh.
The two chums found that every precaution had been taken in regard to the projectiles and powder.Koku was on guard, the giant regarding the boxes of explosive with a calm but determined eye.It would not be well for any unauthorized hand to tamper with them.
"Am dere anyt'ing I kin do fo' yo'-all, Massa Tom?" inquired Eradicate, as the young inventor and Ned prepared to go on deck again.The aged colored man had insisted on coming as a sort of personal bodyguard to Tom, and the latter had not the heart to refuse him.Eradicate was desperately jealous of the giant.
"Huh!" Eradicate had said, "anybody kin sit an' look at a lot ob dem powder boxes; but 'tain't everybody what kin wait on Massa Tom.I kin, an' I'se gwine t' do it." And so he had.