"Attached to the steel well, or chamber, will be a gauge, a pressure recorder and other apparatus.When the powder, of which I will use only a pinch, carefully weighing it, goes off, it will raise the hundred-pound weight a certain distance.This will be noted on the scale.There will also be shown the amount of pressure released in the gas given off by the powder.In that way I can make some calculations.""How?" asked Ned, who was much interested.
"Well, for instance, if one ounce of powder raises the weight three feet,and gives a muzzle pressure of, say, five hundred pounds, I can easily compute what a thousand pounds of powder, acting on a projectile weighing two tons and a half, would do, and how far it would shoot it.""Bless my differential gear!" cried Mr.Damon."A projectile weighing two and a half, tons! Tom, it's impossible!""That's what General Waller said about his gun; but it burst, just the same," declared Ned."Poor man, I felt sorry for him.He seemed rather put out at you, Tom.""I guess he was--a bit--though I didn't mean anything disrespectful in what I said.But now we'll have this test.Koku, take the rest of this powder back.I'll only keep a small quantity."The giant, who, being more active than Eradicate, had rather supplanted the aged colored man, did as he was bid, and soon Tom, with Ned and Mr.Damon to help him, was preparing for the test.
"I know from personal experience what the two kinds of powder from which I made this sample will do," he said; "but it is like taking two known quantities and getting a third unknown one from them.There is an unequal force between the two samples that may make an entirely new compound."The steel chamber that was to receive the hundred-pound steel block had been prepared in advance, as had the various gauges and registering apparatus.
"Well, I guess we'll start things moving now," went on Tom, as he looked over the things he had brought from his shops to the deserted meadow.The fact of the test had been kept a secret, so there were no spectators."Ned, give me a hand with this block" Tom went on."It's a little too heavy to lift alone." He was straining and tugging at the heavy piece of steel.
"Me do!" exclaimed Koku the giant, gently pushing Tom to one side.Then the big man, with one hand, raised the hundred-pound weight as easily as if it were a loaf of bread, and deposited it where Tom wanted it.
"Thanks!" exclaimed our hero, with a laugh."I didn't make any mistake when I brought you home with me, Koku.""Huh! I could hab lifted dat weight when I was a young feller!" exclaimed Eradicate, who was, it is needless to say, jealous of the giant.
The powder had been put in the firing chamber.The steel socket had been firmly fixed in the earth, so that if the force of the explosion was in a lateral direction, instead of straight up, no damage would result.The weight, even if it shot from the muzzle of the improvised "cannon," would only go harmlessly up in the air, and then drop back.The firing wires were so long that Tom and his friends could stand some distance away.
"Are you all ready?" cried Tom, as he looked to see that the wiring was clear.
"As ready as we ever shall be," replied Mr.Damon, who, with Ned and the others, had taken refuge behind a low hill.
"Oh, this isn't going to be much of an explosion," laughed Tom."It won't be any worse than a Fourth of July cannon.Here she goes!"He pressed the electric button, there was a flash, a dull, muffled report and, for a moment, something black showed at the top of the steel chamber.Then it dropped back inside again.
"Pshaw!" cried Tom, in disappointed tones."It didn't even blow the weight out of the tube.That powder's no good! It's a failure!"Followed by the others, the young inventor started toward the small square "cannon." Tom wanted to read the records made by the gases.
Suddenly Koku cried:
"There him be, master! There him be!" and he pointed toward a distant path that traversed the meadow.
"He? Whom do you mean?" asked Tom, startled the giant's excited manner.
"That man what come and look at Master's new powder," was the unexpected answer."Him say he want to surprise you, and he come today, but no speak.He run away.Look--him go!" and he pointed toward a figure of distinctly military bearing hurrying along the road that led to Shopton.