"No!" he said. "If the opinions of the medical men are to be trusted, the result of the illness is injury to her physical strength--not injury to her mind. I have observed in her, no doubt, a certain waywardness of temper since her illness; but that is a trifle. As an example of what I mean, I may tell you that I invited her, on her recovery, to pay me a visit. My house is not in London--the air doesn't agree with me--my place of residence is at St. Sallins-on-Sea. I am not myself a married man; but my excellent housekeeper would have received Mrs. Zant with the utmost kindness. She was resolved--obstinately resolved, poor thing--to remain in London. It is needless to say that, in her melancholy position, I am attentive to her slightest wishes.
I took a lodging for her; and, at her special request, I chose a house which was near Kensington Gardens.