"I have but two hundred men on whom I can rely, including your following, Sir John.We could not keep down the inhabitants for an hour; and were we to try to do so, they would open the gates and let in the French.No; Ifear that we must await the end."
The following morning Sir John was awoke with the news that in the night Caddoudal had been seized and thrown into prison by the burghers, and that a deputation of citizens had already gone out through the gate to treat with the Duke of Normandy for the surrender of the city.
The English knight was furious, but with his little band he could do nothing, especially as he found that a strong guard of burghers had been placed at the door of the apartments occupied by him and the esquires, and he was informed that he must consider himself a prisoner until the conclusion of the negotiations.
Cowardly and faithless as the burghers of Rennes showed themselves to be, they nevertheless stipulated with the Duke of Normandy, as one of the conditions of the surrender, that Caddoudal, Sir John Powis, and the troops under them should be permitted to pass through the French lines and go whithersoever they would.These terms were accepted.At mid-day the governor was released, and he with his men-at-arms and the band of Englishmen filed out from the city gate, and took their way unmolested through the lines of the French army to Hennebon.
They had been for a month in ignorance of all that had passed outside the walls, and had from day to day been eagerly looking for the arrival of Sir Walter Manny with his army to their relief.Once past the French lines they inquired of the peasantry, and heard to their surprise that the English fleet had not yet arrived.
"We were in luck indeed," Walter said to his companions, "that Captain Timothy Martin was in a hurry to get back to his tradings with the Flemings.Had he not been so, we should all this time have been kicking our heels and fretting on board a ship."On nearing Hennebon, Sir William Caddoudal, with Sir John Powis and the squires, rode forward and met the countess.They were the first bearers of the news of the surrender of Rennes, and the countess was filled with consternation at the intelligence.However, after her first burst of indignation and regret had passed, she put a brave face on it.
"They shall meet with another reception at Hennebon," she said."This is but a small place, and my garrison here, and the soldiers you have brought, will well- nigh outnumber the burghers; and we need have no fear of such faintheartedness as that which has given Nantes and Rennes into the hands of my enemy.The English aid cannot tarry long.Until it come we can assuredly hold the place."All was now bustle in Hennebon.Sir John Powis took charge of a part of the walls, and busied himself with his men in placing the machines in position, and in preparing for defence.The countess, attired in armour, rode through the streets haranguing the townspeople.She urged the men to fight till the last, and bade the women and girls cut short their dresses so that they could the better climb the steps to the top of the walls, and that one and all should carry up stones, chalk, and baskets of lime to be cast down upon the assailants.Animated by her words and gestures, the townspeople set to work, and all vied with each other, from the oldest to the youngest, in carrying up stores of missiles to the walls.Never did Hennebon present such a scene of life and bustle.It seemed like an ant-hill which a passer-by has disturbed.
Absorbed in their work, none had time to think of the dangers which threatened them, and a stranger would rather have thought from their cheerful and animated countenances that they were preparing for a great fete than for a siege by an army to which the two chief towns in Brittany had succumbed.
Ere long the French army was seen approaching.The soldiers, who had been labouring with the rest, buckled on their armour.The citizens gathered on the walls to hurl down the piles of stones which had been collected, and all prepared for the assault.
"Sir John Powis," the countess said, "I pray you to grant me one of your esquires, who may attend me while I ride about, and may bear my messages for me.He will not be idle, nor will he escape his share of the dangers;for, believe me, I do not intend to hide myself while you and your brave soldiers are fighting for me.
"Willingly, lady," Sir John answered."Here is Walter Somers, the son of a good knight, and himself brave and prudent beyond his years; he will, I am sure, gladly devote himself to your service."The French, encouraged by their successes, thought that it would be a comparatively easy task to capture so small a place as Hennebon, and as soon as their camp was pitched they moved forward to the attack.