Colonel Mercier-Milon reported from Brussels that he had arrested Countess Arselaarts and thought he had made a valuable capture.
The Countess was deeply in debt and lived very extravagantly.Alittle time ago she had been assisted financially by an exalted personage, who had left the country.Since then her resources had become exhausted, and it was supposed that she had acted as a spy for the English at a high salary.He added that he was on the point of discovering a widespread network of espionage in France and Belgium.
Herr van Spranekhuizen and Hinnerk Brodersen of Schleswig had also been arrested the same morning.
"I wish we had trustworthy information as to the strength of the British fleet," said the Lieutenant-Colonel, who had communicated the above report to Heideck."Sometimes I am really inclined to believe that this fleet is not so effective as all the world has hitherto assumed.It is almost impossible for outsiders to get a clear insight into the condition of the English navy.So far as Ican remember, false reports are systematically published about the fleet--officially, semi-officially, and privately.From time to time a speaker is put up in Parliament by the Government to deliver a violent attack on the naval administration.He is contradicted by a representative of the Admiralty, and dust is again thrown in the eyes of the world.On one of Queen Victoria's last birthdays a powerful squadron, as it was called, was assembled for review off Spithead.But no foreigner was allowed a close inspection of these imposing fleets, and I am greatly inclined to think that it was another case of the famous movable villages, which Potemkin showed the Russian Empress on her journey to the Crimea.Official statements give the number of English warships as more than four hundred, not including torpedo-boats, but amongst them is a large number of obsolete and inefficient vessels."Heideck nodded.
"If the English fleet were really so efficient as is believed, it would be difficult to understand why it has not attempted any decisive action up till now.""That is also my view.The Copenhagen fleet would have attacked Kiel harbour long ago.It was said that it was to hold the Russian fleet in check.But that would be superfluous to start with, as long as the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland were blocked with ice and the Russian squadrons were unable to move.This way of making war reminds me forcibly of the state of things in the Crimean War, when a powerful English fleet set out with a great flourish of trumpets against Cronstadt and St.Petersburg, but did nothing except bombard Bomarsund, a place nobody cared about.The English Press had great difficulty in excusing the fiasco of its world-renowned fleet."Returning to the previous subject of conversation, Heideck said to the Lieutenant-Colonel: "I don't think we need trouble ourselves any more about the communications of Countess Arselaarts and Messrs.Amelungen and Co.The court-martial may settle with them.
I attach incomparably greater importance to skipper Brandelaar, whom I hold in my hand, and through whom--perhaps with the help of Camille Penurot--I hope to obtain information about the British fleet and its proposed employment.Brandelaar's vessel should now be off Ternenzen.I will ask you, Herr Lieutenant-Colonel, to have the man and his crew arrested to-day.""But how does that agree with your intention of using him as a spy in our interest?""I forgot to tell you that it is an agreement between Brandelaar and myself.He himself thought it necessary for his own safety; he was afraid of the crew.Of course it will only be a sham examination, and the man must be released as soon as possible, on the ground of insufficient evidence, so that he can return to England to-morrow."The Lieutenant-Colonel promised to do as the Major desired.
The same evening Heideck met Penurot by arrangement at a tavern.
"Our business is somewhat complicated," said Heideck."There must be some more people working for your father, hitherto unknown to us.""Why do you think that, Herr major?"
"Your father had some letters from Admiral Hollway, which were not brought by Brandelaar.""Yes, yes, I know.I can imagine that."
"Do you know who brought them over?"
"I don't know for certain, but I can guess.""Can't you get me more certain information?""I will try."
"How will you set about it?"