[56] Id., ibid., pp. 223, 231, 233. (The copy of "Athalie" with the erasures of the police still exists in the prompter's library of the Théatre Fran?ais.) - Id., ibid., p 244. (Letter of the secretary-general of the police to the weekly managers of the Théatre Fran?ais, Feb. 1, 1809, In relation to the "Mort d'Hector," by Luce de Lancival.) " Messieurs, His Excellency, the minister-senator, has expressly charged me to request the suppression of the following lines on the stage - 'Hector': Déposez un moment ce fer toujours vainqueur,Cher Hector, et craignez de laisser le bonheur."[57] Welschinger, ibid., p. 13. (Act of Jan. 17, 1800.) - 117, 118.
(Acts of Feb. 18, 1811, and Sep. 17, 1813.) - 119, 129. (No indemnity for legitimate owners. The decree of confiscation states in principle that the ownership of journals can become property only by virtue of an express concession made by the sovereign, that this concession was not made to the actual founders and proprietors and that their claim is null.)[58] Id.. ibid., pp.196, 201.
[59] "Revue critique," ibid., pp.142, 146, 149.
[60] Welschinger, ibid., p. 251.
[61] "Corréspondance de Napoléon Iere." (Letter of the Emperor to Cambacérès, Nov.21, 1806.) - Letters to Fouché, Oct.25 and Dec. 31, 1806.) - Welschinger, ibid., pp.236, 244.
[62] "Moniteur," Jan. I, 1806. (Tribunate, session of Niv?se 9, year XIV., speeches of MM. Albisson and Gillet. - Senate, speeches of MM.
Pérignon, Garat, de Lacépède.) - In the following numbers we find municipal addresses, letters of bishops and the odes of poets in the same strain. - In the way of official enthusiasm take the following two fine examples. ("Debats," March 29, 1811.) "The Paris municipal council deliberated on the vote of a pension for life of 10,000 francs in favor of M. de Govers, His Majesty's second page, for bringing to the H?tel de Ville the joyful news of the birth of the King of Rome. .