"Who, I?" replied the advocate. "No, truly, I think it was the wisest thing you could do.""Yes," answered Mannering, well pleased to have escaped the ridicule he apprehended; "you know the worst is paying the chaise-hire--I sent a post-chaise and four from Kippletringan, with instructions corresponding to the letter--the horses will have a long and cold station on the outposts to-night if our intelligence be false.""Ay, but I think it will prove otherwise," said the lawyer. "This woman has played a part till she believes it; or, if she be a thorough-paced impostor, without a single grain of self-delusion to qualify her knavery, still she may think herself bound to act in character-this I know, that I could get nothing out of her by the common modes of interrogation, and the wisest thing we can do is to give her an opportunity of making the discovery her own way. And now have you more to say, or shall we go to the ladies?""Why, my mind is uncommonly agitated," answered the Colonel, "and--but I really have no more to say--only I shall count the minutes till the carriage returns; but you cannot be expected to be so anxious.""Why, no--use is all in all," said the more experienced lawyer,--"Iam much interested certainly, but I think I shall be able to survive the interval, if the ladies will afford us some music.""And with the assistance of the wild-ducks, by and by?" suggested Mannering.
"True, Colonel; a lawyer's anxiety about the fate of the most interesting cause has seldom spoiled either his sleep or digestion. [*Note IX Lawyers' Sleepless Nights.] And yet Ishall be very eager to hear the rattle of these wheels on their return, notwithstanding."So saying, he rose and led the way into the next room, where Miss Mannering, at his request, took her seat at the harpsichord. Lucy Bertram, who sung her native melodies very sweetly, was accompanied by her friend upon the instrument, and Julia afterwards performed some of Scarlatti's sonatas with great brilliancy. The old lawyer, scraping a little upon the violoncello, and being a member of the gentlemen's concert in Edinburgh, was so greatly delighted with this mode of spending the evening, that I doubt if he once thought of the wild-ducks until Barnes informed the company that supper was ready.
"Tell Mrs. Allan to have something in readiness," said the Colonel--"I expect--that is, I hope--perhaps some company may be here to-night; and let the men sit up, and do not lock the upper gate on the lawn until I desire you.""Lord, sir," said Julia, "whom can you possibly expect to-night?""Why, some persons, strangers to me, talked of calling in the evening on business," answered her father, not without embarrassment, for he would have little brooked a disappointment which might have thrown ridicule on his judgment; "it is quite uncertain.""Well, we shall not pardon them for disturbing our party,"said Julia, "unless they bring as much good-humour, and as susceptible hearts, as my friend and admirer, for so he has dubbed himself, Mr. Pleydell.""Ah, Miss Julia," said Pleydell, offering his arm with an air of gallantry to conduct her into the eating-room, "the time has been--when I returned from Utrecht in the year i738--""Pray don't talk of it," answered the young lady,--"we like you much better as you are--Utrecht, in heaven's name!--I dare say you have spent all the intervening years in getting rid so completely of the effects of your Dutch education.""Oh, forgive me, Miss Mannering," said the lawyer; "the Dutch are a much more accomplished people in point or gallantry than their volatile neighbours are willing to admit. They are constant as clock-work in their attentions.""I should tire of that," said Julia.
"Imperturbable in their good temper," continued Pleydell.
"Worse and worse," said the young lady.
"And then," said the old beau garcon, "although for six times three hundred and sixty-five days, your swain has placed the capuchin round your neck, and the stove under your feet, and driven your little sledge upon the ice in winter, and your cabriole through the dust in summer, you may dismiss him at once, without reason or apology, upon the two thousand one hundred and ninetieth day, which, according to my hasty calculation, and without reckoning leap-years, will complete the cycle of the supposed adoration, and that without your amiable feelings having the slightest occasion to be alarmed for the consequences to those of Mynheer.""Well," replied Julia, "that last is truly a Dutch recommendation, Mr. Pleydell--crystal--and hearts would lose all their merit in the world, if it were not: for their fragility.""Why, upon that point of the argument, Miss Mannering, it is as difficult to find a heart that will break, as a glass that will not; and for that reason I would press the value of mine own--were it not that I see Mr. Sampson's eyes have been closed, and his hands clasped--for some time, attending the end of our conference to begin the grace.--And, to say the truth, the appearance of the wild-ducks is very appetising." So saying, the worthy counsellor sat himself to table, and laid aside his gallantry for awhile, to do honour to the good things placed before him. Nothing further is recorded of him for some time, excepting an observation that the ducks were roasted to a single turn, and that Mrs. Allan's sauce of claret, lemon, and cayenne, was beyond praise.
"I see," said Miss Mannering, "I have a formidable rival in Mr.