

cabinet    ['kæbɪnət]

n. 储藏柜;陈列柜;橱柜

[英文释义]a piece of furniture with shelves,cupboards,or draw-ers,which is used for storing or showing things

[记忆方法]cab(出租车)+ in(里面)+et(小)→出租车里空间很小,就像柜子→厨,柜

[真题例句]We can supply three–drawer filing cabinets immediate-ly,but two–drawer models are currently on order.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]We can no longer sell two-drawer filing cabinets.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]I meant to put it in the filing cabinet this morning.(剑 4,Test 4,Listening,Part 1)


calculate   ['kælkjʊleɪt]

v. 算,计算

[英文释义]to judge the number or amount of something by using the information that you already have,and adding,multiplying,subtract-ing or dividing numbers

[记忆方法]calcul(计算)+ ate(做)→计算

[真题例句]He made very few mistakes,and calculated his costs and the time that a job would take very accurately.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]Julia Strekalova want to know how to calculate the amount she can charge custom-ers for her marketing consultancy services.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Julia Strekalova 想知道如何计算出她向客户收取的营销服务费用。

calculator   ['kælkjʊleɪtə(r)]

n. 计算器

[英文释义]a small electronic device which is used for doing calculations

campaign   [kæm'peɪn]


[英文释义]a planned group of es-pecially political,business or mil-itary activities which are intended to achieve a particular aim

[记忆方法]camp(田野)+ aign(名词词尾)→战役;活动

[真题例句]We put about a quar-ter of our investment into a strong marketing cam-paign,which was support-ed by a slightly larger invest-ment in the sales team.(剑4,Test 3,Listening,Part 1)


camping   ['kæmpɪŋ]

n. 露营度假,野营度假

[英文释义]when you stay in a tent on holiday

candidate   ['kændɪdət]


[英文释义]a person who is com-peting to get a job or elected posi-tion

[记忆方法]can(能)+ did(做)+ate(表人)→能干的人→候选人;投考者

[真题例句]If you interviewed a candidate,when question would you ask?(剑2,Test 4,Speaking,Part 3)


[真题例句]Sophie Jones wants professional help in finding good candidates for senior posts in her computer software company.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)


[真题例句]… the book's ideas on how to reject unsuccessful can-didates.(剑 3,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


canteen   [kæn'ti:n]n.


[英文释义]a place in a factory,of-fice,etc where food and meals are sold,often at a lower than usual price

[真题例句]Firstly,the canteen on the ground floor is open all day for coffee,meals,etc,but there are also coffee machines on the top floor,where we have all the com-pany noticeboard,so staff often meet there to talk.(剑 2,Test 2,Listening,Part 3)

[参考译文]首先,在第一层食堂全天开放并提供咖啡 ,膳食等 ,但顶楼有咖啡机,那里也是公司布告牌的所在地,因此员工经常在那见面谈话。

[真题例句]Crockfords,an inter-national law firm,needs lighting and cocking equipment installed in the canteen at its new offices.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Crockfords 是一家国际法律公司,需要在新办公室的餐厅安装照明和烹饪设备。

capacity   [kə'pæsətɪ]

n. 容积,容量;生产能力;(尤指某人或某组织的)办事能力

[英文释义]the total amount that can be contained or produced,or(especially of a person or organiza-tion)the ability to do a particular thing

[记忆方法]cap(获取,抓住)+ city(名词词尾)→可能接受的量→容量

[商务用语]seating capacity 座位容量,座位数(剑2,Test 2,Listen-ing,Part 2)

[真题例句]A car company is in-creasing the capacity of its factory in Michigan.(剑4,Test 3,Read-ing,Part 1)


car rental companies

[kɑ:(r)'rentl kɒmpænɪs]


[真题例句]The exhibition is twice the size it was last year as the organisers have been successful in attracting many more lead-ing airlines,hotels and car rental companies than in the past.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 6)


career    [kə'rɪə(r)]

n. 生涯,职业;事业

[英文释义]the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life,especially if you continue to get bet-ter jobs and earn more money


[商务用语]career opportunity 就业机会,职业前景(剑2,Test 3,Listen-ing,Part 3)career development 事业发展(剑3,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)

[真题例句]This is something we do every year for university gradu-ates who would like to find out about career opportunities at Dennings.(剑2,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]I knew in the long term the move to Electra was important for my career development.(剑3,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)


carry out   ['kæri aut]


[英文释义]to do or complete something,especially that you have said you would do or that you have been told to do

[真题例句]Instead the oil group contacted an agency to carry out more market research.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)


cashflow   ['kæʃfləʊ]

n. 现金流转;资金流转

[英文释义]the amount of money-moving into and out of a business

[商务用语]Making a cashflow forecast 进行现金流转预算(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

cassette   [kə'set]

n. 盒式录音(或录像)带;盒式录音(或录像)机

[英文释义]a flat rectangular de-vice containing a very long strip of magnetic material that is used to record sound and/or pictures,or a machine that uses such devices


[商务用语]CDs,audio and video cassettes CD 盘 ,录音带和录像带(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)

catalogue   ['kætəlɒg]


[英文释义]a book with a list of all the goods that you can buy from a shop

[记忆方法]cata(仔细地,详尽地)+log(说)+ue →被仔细述说的东西→目录

[真题例句]Item 20 in this cata-logue is withdrawn until further no-tice,due to supply problems.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]…merger negotiations with another catalogue retailer ended without agreement.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]Re our new catalogue,just received,Vanters want to see ‘Primavera’cloth.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]对我方目录表的回复已收到 ,Vanters 想看一下 Primavera的布料。

[真题例句]Have you a copy of our catalogue there?(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)


category   ['kætəgəri]

n. 种类,类别,范畴

[英文释义](in a system for divid-ing things according to appear-ance,quality,etc)a type,or a group of things having some fea-tures that are the same


[真题例句]What about product categories? That's more import-ant.(剑3,Test 3,Listening,Part 1)

[参考译文]产品种类怎么样 ? 那更重要。

catering   ['keɪtərɪŋ]

n. 承办酒席(的行业)

[英文释义](trade of)providing food,etc for social events

[商务用语]catering specialist needed 需要专业的餐饮业服务人员(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

celebrate   ['selɪbreɪt]

v. 庆祝,庆贺;祝贺

[英文释义]to take part in spe-cial enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important

[记忆方法]celebr(荣誉)+ ate(动词词尾)→给……荣誉→庆祝

[真题例句]…but this week you're celebrating its first anniversary.(剑2,Test 3,Listening,Part 4)


centimetre  ['sentɪmi:tə(r)]

n. 厘米

[英文释义]a unit of length equal to 0.01 of a metre

[记忆方法]centi(百)+ metre(米)→一米的百分之一→厘米

[真题例句]And we also want the tables to be six centimetres lower now…um,one hundred and four centimetres.(剑 2,Test 3,Lis-tening,Part 2)


[真题例句]We haven't much space,so no wider than thirty-five centimetres.(剑4,Test 4,Listen-ing,Part 2)


CEO(chief executive officer)



chain    [tʃeɪn]

n. 一连串,一系列(的事物)

[英文释义]a set of connected or related things

[商务用语]managing the supply chain 管理供应链(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)

chair     [tʃeə(r)]

n. 主席(职位),委员长(职位);(大学)系主任

[英文释义](the official position of)a person in charge of a meeting or organization,or a position in an official group,or the person in charge of or having an important position in a college or university department

[真题例句]What should the per-son who chairs a meeting do if some participants arrive late?(剑2,Test 1,Speaking,Part 3)


chairman   ['tʃeəmən]


[英文释义]a person in charge of a meeting or organization

[真题例句]According to the chair-man,trading conditions have im-proved steadily each month since April.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]根据该公司董事长的看法 ,自 4 月起 ,该公司的交易状况每个月都在稳步地转好。

[真题例句]The chairman predicts an improvement in profits as sales are rising faster than operating costs.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]With over 1,000 pub-lished newspaper articles,three successful books and his current job as Chairman of his own mar-keting consultantcy Swan Part-ners,Richard Swan is well quali-fied to lecture on marketing.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]理查德·斯旺不仅在报刊上发表过1000余篇文章,写了3本书,而且还是他自己的市场营销咨询公司——Swan Partners的主席,因而他很有资格讲一讲市场营销方面的策略。

[真题例句]The speaker will be Paul Miller,former Chairman of Fasttrack Holdings,who is now Director of Westwick Business School.(剑 4,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)


challenge   ['tʃælɪndʒ]

n. 挑战;难题;考验

[英文释义](the situation of being faced with)something needing great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and which therefore tests a person's ability

[真题例句]One increasingly popular project is job swapping,which gives an insight into the daily challenges facing different people in different roles.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


challenger  ['tʃælɪndʒə(r)]

n. 挑战者

[英文释义]someone who tries to win a competition,fight or sports event from someone who has previously won it

charge    [tʃɑ:dʒ]


[英文释义]to ask an amount of money for something,especially a service or activity

[商务用语]charge the price 出价(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 6)

[真题例句]Julia Strekalova want to know how to calculate the amount she can charge custom-ers for her marketing consultancy services.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Julia strekalova 想知道如何计算为所提供的营销咨询服务向客户收费多少的方法。

check    [tʃek]

v. 检查;核查,核对 n. 检查;核对,查核

[英文释义]v. to make certain that something or someone is correct,safe or suitable by examining it or them quickly n. an examination of something in order to make cer-tain that it is correct or the way it should be

[真题例句]In stores there are now information screens for cus-tomers to check the availability of goods they want to purchase.(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]The safety team is carrying out checks in this area.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Not before I'd checked it first.(剑 4,Test 1,Listening,Part 1)


cheque    [tʃek]

n. 支票

[英文释义]a printed form,used instead of money,to make pay-ments from your bank account

[真题例句]We will now pay ex-penses as part of monthly pay cheques rather than as separate petty cash amounts.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


chief executive[tʃi:f iɡ'zekjutiv]


[真题例句]Jane Halton,currently Finance Director at Curtis Bank,is replacing John Murphy as Chief Executive at Boulder Insurance.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Boulder Insurance hopes to appoint a new Chief Ex-ecutive.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]The post of Chief Executive at Curtis Bank has become vacant.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]…business has im-proved here since the arrival of our new Chief Executive,Jane Rothwell.(剑 4,Test 3,Listen-ing,Part 2)


cinema guide [lain ɡaid]


[真题例句]They also said we should advertise in cinema guides.(剑2,Test 4,Listening,Part 4)


circulate   ['sɜ:kjəleɪt]


[英文释义]to move around or through something,or to make something move around or through something

[记忆方法]circu(环)+ lat(搬运)+ e(动词词尾)→运送……的环→循环

[真题例句]He has circulated it too soon.(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 1)


[真题例句]I circulated copies in-ternally. I thought you asked me to.(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 1)


claim    [kleɪm]

v. 要求(拥有);认领;索取,索要

[英文释义]to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to you or because you think you have a right to it


[真题例句]Payment for overtime is made monthly but claim forms cannot be processed unless they are authorised by supervisors.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Claims for overtime should be approved by supervisors.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Customers are able to claim a refund if packing is dam-aged.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


clap     [klæp]

v. 鼓(掌)

[英文释义]to clap your hands re-peatedly to show that you like or admire someone or have enjoyed a performance

[记忆方法]c + lap(轻拍)→拍手,鼓掌

[真题例句]To motivate the team,whenever a saving was recorded on a board in the centre of Cobalt's open-plan office,everyone clapped the team achievement.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


classify   ['klæsɪfaɪ]

v. 将……分类,将……归类;把……分级

[英文释义]to divide things into groups according to their type


[商务用语]Classifying consum-ers 对客户进行分类(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part2)

clinic    ['klɪnɪk]

n. 诊所;门诊部

[英文释义]a building,often part of a hospital,to which people can go for medical care or advice

[记忆方法]clin(床)+ ic(形容词词尾,此处转用作名词)→有床的地方→诊所

[真题例句]Dr Shah wants to ar-range for medical supplies and electronic equipment to be sent out to his clinic in Bangladesh.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Dr Shah 打算安排一下把医疗设备和电子用品运送到他在孟加拉国的诊所。

close the deal(with)

[kləʊz ðə di:l wɪð]


closing value ['kləuziŋ 'vælju:]


cloth     [klɔθ]

n. 布,布料

[英文释义](a type of)woven ma-terial

[真题例句]Re our new catalogue,just received,Vanters want to see ‘Primavera’ cloth.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]对我方目录表的回复已收到 ,Vanters 想看一下 Primavera的布料。

colleague   ['kɒli:ɡ]

n. 同事;同僚

[英文释义]one of a group of peo-ple who work together


[真题例句]Her colleagues in pub-lishing thought that being self-em-ployed would be difficult for her.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]…another colleague offered to help me move to an apartment owned by my company.(剑4,Test 3,Listening,Part 4)


[真题例句]The team … made up of four Cobalt project managers and five Sainsbury's colleagues.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]It was the contact with colleagues that created this feeling of belonging.(剑4,Test 4,Read-ing,Part 5)


collect    [kə'lekt]

v. 取,领取;接走

[英文释义]to go to a place and bring someone or something away from it

[真题例句]Customers must col-lect the furniture straight from the factory.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)


combine   [kəm'baɪn]


[英文释义]to(cause to)exist to-gether,or join together to make a single thing or group

[记忆方法]com(一起)+ bine(两个)→把两个结合起来→联合

[派生词汇]combination n. 联合;混合; 结合; 综合(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)combined adj. 综合的(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[真题例句]In Swan's opinion,achieving company growth de-pends on a combination of several factors.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


come through [kʌm θru:]


[英文释义]If a piece of information or a document comes through,you receive it.

[真题例句]Here's coffee,and the MD is just coming through now.(剑2,Test 2,Listening,Part 3)

[参考译文]这是咖啡 ,MD 马上就到达。

comment   ['kɒment]

n. 评论;意见;评价;评语

[英文释义]something that you say or write that expresses your opinion


[真题例句]Add any comments to our proposal in pencil - these will then be discussed at the next committee meeting.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Your comments on the layout would be appreciated.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)


commercial  [kə'mə:ʃəl]

adj. 商业的;商务的;贸易的

[英文释义]related to buying and selling things

[记忆方法]commerc(e)+ ial(……的)→商业的

[派生词汇]commercially adv. 商业地;商务地;贸易地(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)

[真题例句]…and next year,we've decided to locate six branches in commercial centres.(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]It is also essential to contact the British Association of Removers and ask for a list of commercial specialists who will advise on packing,security and other important topics.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Commercial specialists will keep company employees fully informed and answer any ques-tions they may have.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]You'll be a strong leader,full of ideas and ambition,and commercially aware,prefer-ably with knowledge of the retail industry in one of the countries where we have stores.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)


commission  [kə'mɪʃn]

n. 佣金;提成;回扣

[英文释义]a(system of)payment to someone who sells goods which is directly related to the amount of goods sold

[记忆方法]com(表加强)+ miss(送,委派)+ ion(名词后缀,表行为)→送交给某人→委任

[真题例句]…with commission I make forty-six thousand pounds.(剑3,Test 3,Listening,Part 1)


[真题例句]Low-cost airlines do not,…have to pay commission to travel agents.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 6)


commit    [kə'mɪt]

v. 承诺,保证;(使)忠于;(使)致力于;投入(时间或金钱)

[英文释义]to promise or give your loyalty,time or money to a par-ticular principle,person or plan of action


[派生词汇]commitment n. 忠诚;投入;奉献;承诺,保证,诺言(剑3,Test 3,Listening,Part 4)commit-tee n.(代表较大的组织决策或搜集信息的)委员会(剑2,Test 4,Lis-tening,Part 1/剑3,Test 3,Read-ing,Part 6)

[固定搭配]committed to 决心从事……,致力于(剑2,Test 2,Read-ing,Part 4/ 剑 4,Test 2,Listening,Part 4)

[真题例句]Louise feels committed to this business for the present.(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]So all our staff are very committed to giving a good per-sonal service.(剑 4,Test 2,Lis-tening,Part 4)


[真题例句]…we're not sure this is the right moment for a commit-ment like that.(剑 3,Test 3,Lis-tening,Part 4)


[真题例句]The Committee Room. I thought it was here on the sec-ond floor.(剑2,Test 4,Listening,Part 1)


[真题例句]Add any comments to our proposal in pencil - these will then be discussed at the next committee meeting.(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]The committee now has to find a new location,as our current machine causes problems near the fire exit if several people use the machine at the same time.(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 6)


community  [kə'mju:nətɪ]

n. 社区;群体;社团,团体,界

[英文释义]the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests,back-ground or nationality

[记忆方法]com(共同)+ pat(=path,感情)+ ible(……的)→有共同感情的→兼容的

[真题例句]This will be held at the Ocean Park Hotel,to bring togeth-er new members of the city's busi-ness community and introduce them to suppliers.(剑 4,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)


commute   [kə'mju:t]

v. 上下班往返;往返于工作地点与家之间;通勤

[英文释义]to make the same journey regularly between work and home


[真题例句]It's especially popular to go and live outside the big cities and commute into work.(剑 4,Test 3,Listening,Part 4)


compensation [kɒmpen'seɪʃn]

n. 赔偿金;补偿金

[英文释义]money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or demaged or for some inconve-nience

[记忆方法]com(一起)+ pens(支付)+ ation(名词词尾)→一起支付的东西→赔偿金;补偿金

[真题例句]Customers will not necessarily qualify for compensa-tion if goods are demaged.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


compete   [kəm'pi:t]

v. 竞争

[英文释义]to try to be more suc-cessful than someone or some-thing else


[派生词汇]competition n.竞争;竞赛,比赛(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 4/ 剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 5/剑4,Test 1,Speaking,Part 3/剑4,Test 4,Speaking,Part 3)com-petitive adj. 竞争的;竞赛的(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 6/剑2,Test 3,Listening,Part 3/ 剑 4,Test 2,Listening,Part 4)

[商务用语]competitive price 有竞争力的价格(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 6/剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 6)competitive salary 有竞争力的薪资(剑2,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)

[真题例句]Poor weather and competition from abroad have had a serious effect on sales.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]‘The competition in this trade is weak,’he says,‘so I believe we can turn this into a 1bn company.’(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]What kind of competi-tion might the company hold?(剑4,Test 4,Speaking,Part 3)


[真题例句]The company's principal aim since it was first founded has been to supply its customers with high-quality sports and leisure products at competitive prices.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 6)


competent  ['kɒmpɪtənt]

adj. 有能力的;能干的;称职的

[英文释义]able to do something well


[真题例句]Simon's very compe-tent,of course - there's plenty of time to negotiate all that in detail.(剑2,Test 2,Listening,Part 4)


complaint   [kəm'pleɪnt]

n. 抱怨,牢骚;投诉;不满

[英文释义]when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory

[商务用语]dealing with customer complaints 处理顾客投诉问题(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

compromise  ['kɒmprəmaɪz]

v. 妥协;折中;让步;和解

[英文释义]an agreement in an argument in which the people in-volved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree

[记忆方法]com(一起)+pro(前面)+ mise(投,掷)→彼此提前约定→妥协

[真题例句]They originally wanted thirty per cent but we compro-mised on seventeen even though it's more than the fifteen we usu-ally offer.(剑2,Test 4,Listening,Part 2)

[参考译文]起初,他们要求30%的折扣 ,但是经过我们双方商定妥协 ,把折扣率定在17%,而这个折扣也高于我们通常提供的15%。

compulsory  [kəm'pʌlsəri]

adj. 必须做的;强制性的;必修的

[英文释义]If something is com-pulsory,you must do it because of a rule or law.

[记忆方法]com(一起)+ puls(驱使)+ ory(形容词词尾)→驱使的,必须要做的→强制的

[真题例句]Friday's meeting is compulsory for all Finance staff;others welcome to attend for in-formation.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]财务部的全体职员必须参加周五的会议 ,同时 ,欢迎其他部门的同事参与。

computer   [kəm'pju:tə(r)]

n. 计算机,电脑

[英文释义]an electronic machine which is used for storing,organiz-ing and finding words,numbers,and pictures,for doing calculations and for controlling other machines

[商务用语]computer-aided de-sign 计算机辅助设计(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)computer desk 电脑桌(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)computer printers 计算机打印机(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)computer system 计算机系统(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)computer training services 计算机培训服务(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]Robin Richards is skilled in art and computer-aided design,and previously worked for a publicity company.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)


[真题例句]Sally's MD wants to reorganise the office because of a new computer system,so Sally is researching computer desks for him.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]萨莉的主管想要用新的电脑系统装配办公室 ,因此 ,萨莉正在为他寻找电脑桌。

concentrate  ['kɒnsntreɪt]

v. 专注,专心;全神贯注;集中(注意力)

[英文释义]to direct your mental powers or your efforts towards a particular activity,subject or prob-lem

[记忆方法]con(一起)+ centr(中心)+ ate(动词词尾)→一起到中心→集中注意力

[固定搭配]concentrate on 专心于 ,集中精力于(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)

[真题例句]well,at the newspaper I always concentrate on economic matters,but now I can choose to work on a wider range of projects than before.(剑2,Test 1,Read-ing,Part 4)


conference  ['kɒnfərəns]

n. 会议,大会;讨论会,协商会

[英文释义]an event,sometimes lasting a few days,at which there are a group of talks on a particu-lar subject,or a meeting in which especially business matters are dicussed formally

[商务用语]Conference Atten-dance 出席会议(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 6)conference re-ception 会议接待处(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[真题例句]John expects to be away at the conference from 1stto 8thof next month.(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 6)


[真题例句]Dr Munroe needs to get to Sydney,Australia,for a World Health Organisation con-ference on food and health.(剑3,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)


[真题例句]… probably the most important part of any conference are the new contacts you make.(剑4,Test 2,Listening,Part 3)


confident   ['kɒnfɪdənt]

adj. 自信的;有信心的;确信的;有把握的;信任的

[英文释义]having confidence

[商务用语]confident person re-quired 要挑选自信的人(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]And being my own boss has made me feel more con-fident about the other areas of my life,too.(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)


confidential  [kɒnfɪ'denʃl]

adj. 秘密的,机密的

[英文释义]secret,often in a for-mal,business or military situation

[记忆方法]来自 confident(adj. 自信的;确信的)

[真题例句]Confidential files can be sealed in secure boxes for the moving day.(剑2,Test 3,Read-ing,Part 4)


[真题例句]Companies are ad-vised to pack confidential materials themselves.(剑2,Test 3,Read-ing,Part 4)


confirm    [kən'fɜ:m]

v. 确认,确定(安排或会议)

[英文释义]to make an arrange-ment or meeting certain,often by telephone or writing

[记忆方法]con(完全)+ firm(坚固的)→做得十分坚固→证实

[派生词汇]confirmation n. 确认(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)

[真题例句]Can I just confirm your phone number … 01332 987987?(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)

[参考译文]我想确定一下您的联系电话是01332 987987吗?

[真题例句]We can't say wheth-er your training application will be accepted until we can confirm that funds are available.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Human Resourc-es cannot confirm which training course Wei Yu should take.(剑4,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Soledad Ramirez has asked for confirmation that her conference accommodation is available.(剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]Soledad Ramirez 得要求确认她在会议期间能找到住处。

considerable [kən'sɪdərəbl]

adj. 相当大的;相当多的;非常可观的;相当重要的

[英文释义]large or of noticeable importance

[记忆方法]consider(考虑)+ able(能……的)→能纳入考虑范围的→重要的

[派生词汇]considerably adv. 非常; 很; 相当地(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)

[真题例句]However,changes in the way we deliver to stores have led to considerable savings.(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]On this day share pric-es closed considerably lower than the previous working day,with the fluctuation between high and low being at its greatest.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 3)


[真题例句]Over the last two years we've increased our investment in it considerably-here,see ?(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 1)


[真题例句]Our retail business found that trading conditions were reasonable in April,very poor in May,then improved considerably in June,with this improvement continuing in July.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Absences in 2002 varied little,but in 2003 they rose sharply in July,dropping consid-erably the next month and staying unchanged in September.(剑 3,Test 4,Reading,Part 3)

[参考译文]2002年的旷工天数变化很小 ,但在 2003 年 7 月旷工天数猛然增多 ,在 8 月又大幅度下降 ,9 月不变。

[真题例句]I manged to increase market share considerably by im-proving customer service.(剑 3,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)


consultancy  [kən'sʌltənsɪ]

n. 咨询公司;顾问服务公司

[英文释义]a company that gives specialist advice on a particular subject

[商务用语]Puckeridge Consul-tancy Group Puckeridge 咨询集团(剑3,Test 3,Reading,Part 2)

[真题例句]However,in nineteen eighty-nine a recruitment consul-tancy contacted me with an invita-tion to join a retail chain…(剑 3,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]Julia Strekalova want to know how to calculate the amount she can charge custom-ers for her marketing consultancy services.(剑 4,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]Julia Strekalova 想知道如何计算出她向客户收取的营销服务费用。

[真题例句]With over 1,000 pub-lished newspaper articles,three successful books and his current job as Chairman of his own mar-keting consultantcy Swan Part-ners,Richard Swan is well quali-fied to lecture on marketing.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]理查德·斯旺不仅在报刊上发表过1000余篇文章,写了3本书,而且还是他自己的市场营销咨询公司——Swan Partners的主席,因而他很有资格讲一讲市场营销方面的策略。

[真题例句]…the Sainsbury's supermarket chain asked man-agement consultancy Cobalt to find ways significantly reducing its operating costs and increasing the turnover in its sores.(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]Sainsbury 超级连锁店询问管理咨询公司科博尔特,请其找到能减少运营开支并增加商店营业额的方法。

consultant  [kən'sʌltənt]

n. 顾问;咨询师

[英文释义]someone who advises people on a particular subject


[真题例句]He will,however,contin-ue to act as part-time consultant.(剑2,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)


[真题例句]AFN marketing con-sultants has prepared a report for a north-African music publisher and requires a version in Arabic.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)

[参考译文]AFN 的销售顾问已经准备了一份关于北非音乐发布的报告,他们需要一份阿拉伯语版的。

consumer   [kən'sju:mə(r)]

n. 消费者;顾客;用户

[英文释义]a person who buys goods or services for their own use

[商务用语]obtaining and using consumer information 获取和使用客户信息(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)

contact    ['kɒntækt]

n.(尤指经常通过交谈、书信的)联系,联络,交往 v.(通过电话或写电子邮件等)联系,联络

[英文释义]n. communication with someone,especially by speaking or writing to them regularly v. to communicate with someone by telephone them or sending them a letter,email,etc


[商务用语]giving contact de-tails 给出联系方式(剑 3,Test 1,Speaking,Part 2)name of contact 联络人的名字(剑2,Test 1,Read-ing,Part 7)contact person 联系人(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 7/剑2,Test 4,Speaking,Part 2)

[真题例句]Put me down as the contact person(they can email me).(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 7)


[真题例句]And is Mr Brown the contact name for the order?(剑2,Test 3,Listening,Part 2)


[真题例句]John Brown is buying new vans for his service engineers and wants to be able to contact them at any time.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 2)


[真题例句]John has a useful list of contacts in order to help her re-search new safety equipment.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]We may use your con-tact details to send to companies whose services may be of interest to you.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Staff should contact the supplier's technicians if there is a fault and not attempt to repair the printer themselves.(剑 4,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]…probably the most important part of any conference are the new contacts you make.(剑4,Test 2,Listening,Part 3)


continue   [kən'tɪnju:]


[英文释义]to keep happening,existing or doing something,or to cause something or someone to do this

[真题例句]Why did Jim decide to continue employing Alec?(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]Our retail business found that trading conditions were reasonable in April,very poor in May,then improved considerably in June,with this improvement continuing in July.(剑 2,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Customers can con-tinue to get a discount if they place orders frequently.(剑 3,Test 1,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Although there was a drop in foreign sales,domes-tic sales continued to rise,which resulted in profit levels holding steady.(剑 3,Test 2,Reading,Part 3)

[参考译文]尽管国外销售量有所下降 ,但国内销量有所上升 ,这样的盈利水平仍保持平稳态势。

continual   [kən'tɪnjuəl]


[英文释义]happening repeatedly,usually in an annoying or inconve-nient way

[记忆方法]来自continue(v. 继续,连续)

[真题例句]Without doubt,this has led to a continual expansion of our business over the past few years.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)


continuous  [kən'tɪnjuəs]

adj. 不断的,连续的,持续的

[英文释义]without a pause or in-terruption

[记忆方法]来自continue(v. 继续,连续)

[真题例句]Finally,as part of our continuous programme of staff development,we plan to offer a wide variety of courses next year,including Account Management,as well as continuing with IT Skills and Customer Services.(剑 2,Test 1,Listening,Part 3)


contract   ['kɒntrækt]

n. 合同;契约 v.(与……)订立合同;(与……)订契约

[英文释义]1. a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups,or the agree-ment itself 2. to make a legal agreement with someone to do work or to have work done for you

[记忆方法]con(一起)+ tract(拉)→拉在一起→订合同

[固定搭配]contract with 与……订约(剑4,Test 4,Reading,Part 4)

[商务用语]Length of contract 合同的长度(剑 3,Test 2,Speaking,Part 2)

[真题例句]Jim had employed Alec on the understanding that the job would probably end when the current contracts were completed.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]Why was Jim happy that Troon Football Club gave him the contract?(剑2,Test 1,Read-ing,Part 5)


[真题例句]Sainsbury's contracted Cobalt with the aim of improving profitability.(剑 4,Test 4,Read-ing,Part 4)

[参考译文]Sainsbury 已经同科博尔特签订合同,目的在于提高收益率。

contribute   [kən'trɪbju:t]

v. 贡献,奉献,捐献(尤指钱)

[英文释义]to give something,es-pecially money,in order to provide or achieve something together with other people

[记忆方法]con + tribute(给予)→捐献,捐款

[固定搭配]contribute to 有助于 ,贡献给,促使(剑2,Test 2,Read-ing,Part 6)

[真题例句]Think of the things you could contribute to the organisa-tion.(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 6)


control    [kən'trəʊl]

n. 掌握;控制(权);克制(力);支配(权)

[英文释义]when you control something or someone,or the power to do this

[记忆方法]cont(=counter,反,逆)+ rol(=roll,卷)→向相反的方向卷→控制

[派生词汇]controller n. 控制者;管理者;指挥者

[真题例句]Why did she do it? ‘I had no control over my work’.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]她为什么这样做 ? “我无法掌控自己的工作。”

convenience [kən'vi:niəns]


[英文释义]a device or machine,usually in the house,which oper-ates quickly and needs little effort

[商务用语]convenience food 方便食品(剑 2,Test 4,Listening,Part 4)

[真题例句]Our main customers were a convenience store chain called Star Stores,…as later they offered me the job of sales man-ager.(剑 3,Test 4,Listening,Part 3)

[参考译文]我们的主要顾客是一家名为 Star Stores 的便捷连锁超市……他们给我提供的岗位是销售经理。

cope     [kəʊp]


[英文释义]to deal successfully with a difficult situation

[固定搭配]cope with 同……较量 ,同……相对抗,应付,对付,克服(剑3,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)

corporate   ['kɔ:pərət]

adj. 团体的;全体的,集体的

[英文释义]of or shared by a whole group and not just of a sin-gle member

[记忆方法]corpor(团体)+ ate →法人团体的,公司的

[商务用语]corporate entertain-ment providers 企业娱乐项目服务(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)corporate training 公司培训 ,企业培训,集体培训(剑2,Test 4,Lis-tening,Part 3)

[真题例句]But we are arranging special tours for corporate mem-bers in November,to introduce you to the facilities.(剑 2,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)


corridor   ['kɒrɪdɔ:(r)]


[英文释义]a long passage in a building or train,especially with rooms on either side

[真题例句]You can take the lift or use the stairs at the end of the corri-dor.(剑3,Test 3,Listening,Part 1)


courier    ['kʊrɪə(r)]


[英文释义]a person who carries important messages or docu-ments for someone else

[商务用语]courier services 快递服务(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 2)

course    [kɔː(r)s]

n. 课程;教程

[英文释义]a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular sub-ject,usually resulting in an exam or qualification

[商务用语]course materials 课程的学习材料(剑 2,Test 1,Speak-ing,Part 2)course title 课程的名称(剑2,Test 2,Reading,Part 7)

cover    ['kʌvə(r)]

v. 给……保险,承保

[英文释义]to protect someone against loss,damage,accident or having something stolen,by hav-ing insurance

creation   [krɪ'eɪʃn]

n. 创造;创立;产生;创造物,作品

[英文释义]the act of creating something,or the thing that is cre-ated

[真题例句]My early creations were mostly unsuccessful … How-ever,the following year in Germa-ny; they received great attention and sales increased.(剑3,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)


credit    ['kredit]

n. 赊购,赊账

[英文释义]a method of paying for goods or services at a later time,usually paying interest as well as the original money

[记忆方法]cred(相信)+ it →信任

[商务用语]credit account 记入贷方账户(剑 4,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)credit terms 赊购条款(剑2,Test 4,Listening,Part 1)

[真题例句]Could you credit our account?(剑4,Test 1,Listening,Part 2)


[真题例句]We can't affect our profit margins,so I offered them better credit terms.(剑 2,Test 4,Listening,Part 1)


CRM(Customer Relationship Marketing)



[真题例句]Although it is essential for effective CRM to record cus-tomer database,the real skill is in-terpreting what your customers tell you and knowing what promises they think you have made.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]Swan thinks all compa-nies should move from old-fash-ioned marketing to CRM.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


currency   ['kʌrənsɪ]

n. 货币,通货

[英文释义]the money that is used in a particular country at a particu-lar time

[记忆方法]curr(跑)+ency →正在跑→通行

[真题例句]0% commission on foreign currency exchange.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Commission is charged on some foreign currencies only.(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)


current    ['kʌrənt]

adj. 现实的,当前的;现行的

[英文释义]of the present time

[派生词汇]currently adv. 现时,当今(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)

[商务用语]current company 现在的公司(剑 4,Test 3,Listening,Part 3)current contracts 目前的合同(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)current post 现在职位(剑2,Test 4,Speaking,Part 3)current rate 现行税率(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)current year 本年度(剑2,Test 4,Reading,Part 6)

[真题例句]Jim had employed Alec on the understanding that the job would probably end when the current contracts were completed.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]All prices shown are inclusive of any promotional offer and tax at the current rate.(剑2,Test 1,Reading,Part 5)


[真题例句]I…started my current company,which is called Star Consultants.(剑 4,Test 3,Lis-tening,Part 3)


[真题例句]Loyalty's car insurance is currently the cheapest available.(剑4,Test 2,Reading,Part 4)

[参考译文]Loyalty 的汽车保险是目前可用最便宜的。

customer   ['kʌstəmə(r)]

n. 顾客,主顾,客户

[英文释义]a person who buys goods or a service

[记忆方法]custom(习惯)+ er(名词词尾)→去[某个地方]成习惯的人→顾客

[商务用语]customer services dept.(department)客户服务部(剑 2,Test 1,Reading,Part 7)customer group 消费群体(剑 2,Test 4,Listening,Part 4)custom-er notice 客户通知(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)customer survey 顾客调查(剑 2,Test 2,Reading,Part 2)type of customer 顾客类型(剑4,Test 4,Speaking,Part 2)

[真题例句]Customers can view how the VP 50 projector works on their PC.(剑 4,Test 4,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]客户可以在自己的电脑上了解到 VP 50 放映机是如何工作的。

[真题例句]It's essential for ef-fective Customer Relationship Marketing to record customer information on a good computer database.(剑4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


[真题例句]My supermarket cus-tomers kept asking me to find a place for them on my plane.(剑4,Test 2,Listening,Part 4)


[真题例句]Although it is essential for effective CRM to record cus-tomer database,the real skill is in-terpreting what your customers tell you and knowing what promises they think you have made.(剑 4,Test 3,Reading,Part 4)


customs   ['kʌstəmz]

n. 海关

[英文释义]the place at a port,airport or border where travellers' bags are looked at to find out if any goods are being carried illegally

[真题例句]In order to expedite the procedures,it shall be better to arrange someone to discuss with the customs straight away.(剑2,Test 2,Writing,Part 1)


cut back   [kʌt bæk]


[英文释义]to do less of some-thing or use something in smaller amounts

CV abbr.   [si:'vi:]

简历,履历(curriculum vitae)

[英文释义]a short written de-scription of your education,qual-ifications,previous employment and sometimes also your personal interests,which you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job; curriculum vitae

[真题例句]Looking for a job? Contact Jobservices.com for a better presented CV.(剑2,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]想要好的工作吗 ? 先准备好的简历 ! 请联系 Jobservices. com。

[真题例句]Experienced appli-cants should submit an up-to-date CV and contact details to personnel.(剑3,Test 2,Reading,Part 1)


[真题例句]Secretaries - look-ing for work? Email your CV to us now! Include details of required salary.(剑 3,Test 3,Reading,Part 1)

[参考译文]有文秘在找工作吗 ? 现在就将您的个人简历电邮给我们,包括对薪金的细节要求。