更新时间:2021-06-25 21:02:29
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Blockchain - Enterprise and Industry Perspective
Defining the terms – what is a blockchain?
Four core building blocks of blockchain framworks
Additional capabilities to consider
Fundamentals of the secure transaction processing protocol
Where blockchain technology has been and where it's going
The great divide
An economic model for blockchain delivery
Learning as we go
The promise of trust and accountability
Industries putting blockchain technology to work
Blockchain in the enterprise
What applications are a good fit?
How does the enterprise view blockchain?
Litmus testing to justify the application of blockchain technology
Integrating a blockchain infrastructure for the whole enterprise
Enterprise design principles
Business drivers and evolution
Ensuring sustainability
The principles that drive blockchain adoption
Business considerations for choosing a blockchain framework
Technology considerations for choosing a blockchain framework
Identity management
Enterprise security
Development tooling
Crypto-economic models
Decentralization with systemic governance
Enterprise support
Use case-driven pluggability choices
Shared ledger technology
Crypto algorithms and encryption technology
Use case-driven pluggable choices
Enterprise integration and designing for extensibility
Other considerations
Consensus ACID property and CAP
Attestation – SSCs are signed and encrypted
Use of HSMs
Exploring Hyperledger Fabric
Building on the foundations of open computing
Fundamentals of the Hyperledger project
The Linux Foundation
Open source and open standards
Hyperledger frameworks tools and building blocks
Hyperledger frameworks
Hyperledger tools
The building blocks of blockchain solutions
Hyperledger Fabric component design
Principles of Hyperledger design
CAP Theorem
Hyperledger Fabric reference architecture
Hyperledger Fabric runtime architecture
Strengths and advantages of componentized design
Hyperledger Fabric – the journey of a sample transaction
Hyperledger Fabric explored
Components in a blockchain network
Developer interaction
Understanding governance in business networks powered by blockchain
Governance structure and landscape
Information technology governance
Blockchain network governance
Business network governance
Setting the Stage with a Business Scenario
Trading and letter of credit
The importance of trust in facilitating trade
The letter of credit process today
Business scenario and use case
Real-world processes
Simplified and modified processes
Terms used in trade finance and logistics
Shared process workflow
Shared assets and data
Participants' roles and capabilities
Benefits of blockchain applications over current real-world processes
Setting up the development environment
Designing a network